Chapter Eight

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"Hey, do you guys hear that? Aren't those...voices?!" Rissa exclaims as we were walking onto a street very familiar to us.

I listen carefully and sure enough there were at least two other voices that seem to be yelling at something. "Hey that's the direction of our school." I say as we begin to walk faster now.

I was starting to get very thirsty from all this walking we did. At least the school had water fountains we could drink out of. As we walk closer and closer to our destination, one of the voices sounded very familiar to me.

As soon as we hit the corner, we saw three people standing just a block down from the gated school. Two of them I instantly knew right away.

"Seth?! Oh my god, Seth! Seth!" Both of the girls start yelling out as they begin to rush to him.

I watch all three of the guys jerk around to face us. Both Seth and Mateo's eyes widen in surprise and then they both rush to the girls as they fling themselves in their arms. The third guy, I had never seen before. He just stays where he was at, looking at our interaction.

I slowly walk to the group and get thrown into a backbreaking hug, first from Seth, then Mateo all the while as they say,

"Holy shit! You don't know how glad we are to see you three fuckers!"

"Yeah man. We were seriously freaking the fuck out that we were the only ones here. We've been running around all over town trying to find others, but with no luck." Mateo lets me go, looking at the three of us.

"So, you haven't found anyone else either?" I ask as the stranger comes closer to us.

He looked about our age, maybe a bit older. He had dark brown hair that was styled into a fade in the back, but longer on top. He wore what looked like work clothes or something. Maybe he worked at a factory? Judging by his faded work boots he either dealt with plaster or paint. I wasn't quite sure. He wore a black long sleeve sweatshirt that fit to his muscles quite well and thick Dickie pants that were well worn.

"Who is this?" Vi asks as she realizes he was there too.

Seth's facial expression instantly changes into a scowl. "Oh, this guy." He scoffs.

I couldn't help but crack a smile at the state that Seth was currently in. "Nice faded tattoos, bro." I cheekily say.

Seth scowls at me. "Shut up." He growls in displeasure.

"Hi, I'm Leo." His deep voice rumbles from his chest as he spoke. "I was heading to work when I noticed that the place was different. Also, the fact that my work wasn't even operating was a big fat sign that something was wrong."

"You look awfully young to be working in a factory." Vi says to him as she gives him a once over.

"I'm nineteen, so workable age." He shrugs.

"You guys were yelling before we showed up." I put in, looking to him then to Seth, who was still giving the guy the stink eye.

"We were just having a disagreement, that's all." Leo provided since Seth refused to say anything.

"Seth wanted to go to Travis's and Zared's house to see if they were there, but Leo was saying it was probably best to stay in one spot since if anyone else was aware of what was going on, then they were probably searching for more people as well." Mateo says to me.

Oh. I see his point. But I also get Seth's too. I wouldn't want to sit around and wait either. What's the off chance they were doing the same? I didn't think that the people we knew would also be gone. The thought of Matty not being around anymore sent a slight fear inside of me.

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