Chapter Four

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I went home right after lunch. I had left him with no real answer, saying that I wasn't even really that close to Zared as much as people think I am. I also told him I wasn't even sure if Zared swung that way like we do.

Even though my heart was breaking, I still couldn't be rude or mean to him. I just got up and ran off like the asshole that I was, leaving him hanging. I didn't even bother going back to class and just walked right out of the gates of the school grounds.

My phone kept going off from countless people wondering where I had gone off too. But I ignored them all. On my walk home the clouds finally opened up and a sheet of rainfall fell down on top of me in currents. By the time I walked through the door I was soaking wet.

My aunt and her family weren't home since they had left early this morning on a trip for the weekend. She had asked if I wanted to go, but I gave the excuse that I was working as I did with everyone else.

Throwing my wet bag on the ground I quickly head to start the shower and get in. I don't know how long I stayed in there under the showerhead letting my tears just fall. I never experienced this before. I had always been the one that was sought after, and I never really crushed on someone this hard.

I wished I could say it didn't bother me, but it did. It was causing havoc on my being big time. I guess I liked him more than I thought I did. And what made it even worse was the fact that it was Zared out of all people. Would I be this hurt if it had been anyone else?

I had imagined Matty with a girl and while my heart did the little twist, I think I would have been more okay with that than this. At least then I would know that there was no chance for us and I could let my crush just be that, a crush.

But knowing that Matty actually had a thing for guys and his crush wasn't me just seemed too cruel. Especially when I was the one who actually fucking cared. And that Zared was only using him to get back at me.

My hurt festered into hatred the more I kept thinking about it. Turning off the water, I get out and dry myself. After putting on comfortable clothes I check my phone to see a dozen missed calls and nearly twenty unread messages. I don't even bother to see who they were all by. I decided to turn my phone off instead.

I wasn't hungry and I wasn't in the mood to do anything. Looking at the clock, I now had time to spare before my work shift at the store. I scowl when I realized that Zared was going to be there. I would call off, but I couldn't afford too.

I lay on my bed, holding my pillow tight to my body and close my eyes. I just wanted to be left alone, to fester in my own self-pity and think of a way to not let this heartache to bother me anymore than it already has.


I should have called in.

I was trying my best to ignore him, but he won't leave me alone. Like what the fuck? As soon as I walked through those doors, he was already here waiting for me. Which is a first. He normally comes in exactly on the dot, while I come in extra early.

"Hey, I didn't think you were going to show up. You left school early." He frowns, following me into the break room in the back.

"Since when do you care?" I couldn't help but snap at him, quickly throwing my shit in the little cubby hole that was assigned to me and pulling out my vest to put on.

He leans against the wall to stare at me, but I ignore him as best as I could.

"Something happened today."

I don't bother to answer him as I go right back out to clock in for the day. He immediately follows me. Heading to the register, I then put in my code to sign me in.

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