Chapter Forty Four

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As soon as that door shut, I was let go. I pushed whoever held me as hard as I could as the rage swarms through me that they forced me to leave him behind. I rush back to the door, shoving Matty out of my way to get to it.

"Calm down Jinsen." Lacy whispers to me harshly as she rushes after me to get me from opening the door again.

I just shove her as well getting my hand on that handle, but someone slams their body against it shoving me right back.

"Don't be a fucking idiot and getting the rest of us killed!" Christina nearly yells out, trying hard to be quiet.

I stare at her, my vision blurred from my tears, my body shaking with fear for Zared and rage at them, my hands trembling. "I'm not leaving him to die just so you can get away." I seethe.

"Jinsen, Zared's going to be alright. I saw him enter the subway station before we came in here. I don't think they saw him." Matty whispers, placing a calming hand on my shoulder.

Like that made me feel any fucking better. For someone who claimed to having feelings for Zared sure as hell didn't act like it. He seemed perfectly fucking okay that he was left out there all on his own facing who knew how many of those barbarians.

Okay, I know that wasn't fair for me to think, but I'm angry and scared. And I felt like everyone was fucking against me right now. I don't heed his words as I go and try again to open the door, shoving Christina out of the way. Hearing her gasp in disbelief that I nearly caused her to fall on the ground I just didn't care about any of them at the moment.

"Jinsen." Lacy gabs my wrist gently, looking up into my face with sympathy that I didn't fucking need.

"Fuck your bullshit rule about moving on if anyone gets separated from the group. I'm not leaving him." I bit out with venom.

She sighs. "I know you're upset and scared for him. But Zared wouldn't want you to become rash and unreasonable right now. He'll want you to stay safe and alive."

I scoff at that, a tear slipping down my face as my emotions were getting the better of me.

"You know he isn't stupid to get caught so easily. Let's calm down and figure out a way to get him back, alright."

I knew what she was saying was true and rational. That Zared wouldn't give up that easily. But that didn't stop the worrying that something bad was going to happen to him if we don't get to him quickly. All I could do was nod at her in the meantime and release the handle.

"Good." Leo sighs with relief. "Your name's Matty right?" He quickly changes the subject.


I finally get a good look at my former crush. He looked worse for wear with his clothes wrinkled, soiled, and torn in a few places. He looked like he hadn't slept in days and his hair could use a good wash too. I slightly frown wondering why he hadn't taken a shower at least since water was still running here.

But then I think about the condition Christina and the other two had been in. They weren't too better off either. It made me curious.

"Okay, tell us what's happened here." Leo continues.

Matty slightly ignores him as he stares right at Christina and asks, "David? Sandra?"

"They're alive and safe." She quickly tells him, making him look relieved.

He then turns back to Leo. "I'm sure Christina told you guys there were at least twenty of us when we first came and not knowing anything about this place more than half of us were wiped out the first night here. We soon learned that the light was highly dangerous to them and figured it was best to travel during the day."

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