Chapter Thirteen

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I slow down when I see the large lobby. It was huge. The ceiling was at least twenty-five feet high with a large chandelier in the center. There were lit candles splayed out all around to give it this golden hue that reminded me a little of-

"I feel like we just stepped into Dracula's lair." Leo announces taking the words right out of my thoughts.

There were sofas and chairs in the middle of the large space and just beyond them was a large wooden carved counter. I check out behind it as I see a display of old keys with room numbers attached to them just hanging against the wall. I was actually surprised to see them there. Nowadays, hotels just used key cards for the rooms.

"Sit him here on the sofa. It's going to be difficult to get him up the flight of stairs in this condition." The man instructs Seth.

I quickly come to Mateo's side as the girl comes forward with a lit candle that helped to give better light. I hear gasps go around me as I stare down at his right thigh. Blood and a lot of it. There was a large tear in his jeans, and I could see where his skin and muscle has been torn wide open.

"Oh my god." Rissa gasps again as she covers her mouth with both her hands, her eyes on the verge of tears.

"Trust me, it could have been a lot worse." The man lowly states as he lowers the large candle to peer down closely at the wound.

I watch as he begins to prob and poke around the gash, making Mateo tense and cry out painfully. "This is going to need some immediate attention. It's deep. You're lucky the thing just sliced you and not through your leg."

He looks up at him with a raised brow and deep sigh.

Looking at him and his mannerism, I couldn't help but ask, "How long have you been here?"

He takes a torn piece of cloth the young girl hands to him. While wrapping Mateo's leg he says, "Longer than you could imagine. Come." He grunts as he once again helps to lift him up.

"We need to get away from the entrance. I don't want to take chances of that Bottomless Eater to sniff his blood. Cause if that happens, we're all in deep shit." He states to everyone.

They take him to another open lobby and as they do, Lacy stops us when she comes in with two other people, young people. "You guys are probably hungry. Come with me while they deal with your friend."

The three of them head in the opposite direction. I follow, after all the others start too. I couldn't help but look back where they had taken Mateo, but I could no longer see them.

"Is he going to be alright?" Rissa asks, still clinging on to Vi, whose eyes were swollen from all the crying.

We came into a dining area and kept going until we hit the large kitchen.

"Chuck is taking care of him. So, he's in good hands." Lacy replies.

She walks to where there were candles and starts lighting them. One of the people with her starts to help her and the last person goes straight to the large cabinets.

"This here is Jacob and Lani. They're also around your age. Showed up less than two weeks ago. They came with a group just like you six did." Lacy's face turned hard as her mouth thinned in a straight line.

"As you can see, they didn't make it." She says somberly.

The two stay quiet throughout the explanation as they continue with their tasks. The boy named Jacob sets out cans of food on the large metal counter.

"There's nothing fresh to eat since we won't be able to grow anything, not with those things out there anyways. So, you'll have to adapt to can life. It's not the best, but at least you won't starve."

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