Chapter Sixty

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We both stiffen, neither of us making a move or even breathing at this point. I couldn't help staring at that shadow displaying against the fabric of the sheet. It was hard to make out the shape of the body, but it was massive and sounded to close for my likely. The heavy footfalls pounded on the ground creating an eerily slow and dragging sound as if they weren't picking up their feet all the way.

The labored breathing didn't help either, as it was rasping, slow exhales, and causing my anxiety to hype up even more. I didn't realize I was clutching onto Zared's legs in a firm and painful grip until he very gently smooths his hand right over one of mine and squeezes just a tiny bit to get my attention.

I tried to loosen my grip, I really did, but my body was frozen in paralyzing fear that wouldn't calm down the closer that monster got to us. But then a loud crack of thunder shakes the place, followed by a flash of purple light that illuminates the entire room as it brightens through the window.

The creature suddenly jerks, its breathing grunting as it hitches, and the shadow was instantly gone. I wait another few moments before finally releasing my breath, my body beginning to shake now. Zared finally gets me to release my grip on his thighs, my fingers feeling stiff from the tightness I held on with.

We scramble to get up and we don't hesitate to grab our belongings. If purple light flashed then that meant more people just showed up. Which also meant this entire area just became clear of monsters as they all went straight to the drop off location. We needed to find a better hideout that wasn't so exposed like this place was.

I wasn't sure it was such a great idea to head out now. It's possible we might get caught, but this place was a ticking time bomb being here. Grabbing my hand he carefully opens the door, careful on the noises as it slowly creaks open.

Holding my breath again I wait for something horrible to happen, but when nothing does both our shoulders sag in relief. We inch outside just to double check; it was getting colder as the days were going by. Fall was in full swing and before we know it, it's going to be winter. Which means its only going to get colder. Soon enough, it was going to be difficult to stay warm without using fires.

We quickly run down the rows of doors in the opposite direction where the light had come from and it wasn't long before we heard the screams of terror rent the night, not too far from us. We ditch the hotel, looking for anything that could be better and wasn't run down with no windows and doors. Eventually, we found a breakfast and lunch diner that seemed pretty well in shape, didn't care too much about all the windows, but at least it had a back area to keep low if we needed too.

I slowly open the door, tensing when a bell chimes just enough for me to grabbed hold of the damn thing to get it to shut up. Neither of us moves as we just stood there in the doorway, eyes wide and alert, waiting. I slowly release it when nothing happens for the second time and carefully untie the bell to keep it from ringing again.

We inch inside, looking around before closing the door. It was dark, yet the moon shone brightly through the windows, giving us at least something to see. Zared takes out the flashlight and turns it on. We only use it when it was necessary like now whenever we have to make a quick get away and stumble upon a new location.

I wait for him to scan the area as I look around myself. It was quiet and still and so far nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I follow when he starts moving around the booths checking every aisle before we hit the kitchen area. There was a swinging door with a plastic circular window. I hang onto the back of his shirt as he inches closer to it. It was a lot darker in here than the rest of the place and probably more likely for a monster to hide in.

He slowly pushes the door open and scans the light around to find it empty like the rest of the place. We rush in, quickly placing empty wooden crates that once held produce and stacked them against the door to prevent from anything coming in while we slept.

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