Chapter Ninety Two

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"We can't do that. There's no way we can do that." Leo hisses as we all gather to the edge staring down into the raging waters and slick rocks.

"It's not like we have much of a choice here. It looks way to far to walk in that direction just to see if there is a spot where we can cross. We could be walking for hours before we find it. This may be the only way." Lacy argues.

I get both sides, I do. But I was with Lacy on this one. We were already burning daylight and the more time we spent finding a way to the other side, the longer it was going to be to find Jinsen again. I look back at my high school friends and watch as Seth goes next. I watch, holding my breath as he dangerously does the same thing the first guy did.

He makes it, barely. Releasing my breath my heart wouldn't stop hammering in my chest as I watch the girl with them go after him followed by Mateo. I was afraid his leg was still bothering him as he seemed a bit stiff going down the slope of brush and rocks, but he was able to manage just fine as well.

I look over to my group as they all looked down at the slopes in front of us. It was dangerous. Far too dangerous and I couldn't ask them to risk their safety just because I want to get to Jinsen as soon as possible. Sighing heavily I look to Alex with determination running through my veins.

"Alex, take Kyle and the two of you find another way to cross safely."

"What? No way! I'm not leaving you!" Kyle immediately starts arguing, looking ready to get angry at me.

"It isn't safe Kyle-"

"It isn't safe for you either, or for anyone! If you go down there I'm going too, we're not separating!" He snaps.

"No offense man, but I'm with Kyle on this one. I'm not leaving either. If you go, we all go." Alex crosses his arms giving me the same kind of look Kyle was giving.

I look to the others and their faces pretty much said the same thing. Blowing out my cheeks, slight anxiety hits me with worry for them all. But I wasn't going to gainsay them if they were hellbent on following me.

"Alright. careful and let me go first. Watch what I do before you attempt to follow, okay?" I press sternly, looking right at Kyle since he was the youngest out of us all and the one I worry about the most.

It's not that I didn't care about the others it was just that I felt a weird brotherly responsibility towards the kid. He was like a lost puppy who needed guidance. Rolling his eyes he nods his head in agreement. Looking to Alex I go to open my mouth, but he cuts me off.

"I'll be right behind him, watching his every step."

I nod, knowing he felt the same way as I did about Kyle. We both were overprotective of the kid. I head for the edge judging the distance and locating a spot that was safest to go down. The rock was too smooth and not many foot holes were around. Lacy then points a little ways down.

"There. We can use that branch that's poking out between the rocks. Maybe there's a way to slide down to it and use it as leverage before hitting the water."

I see what she was talking about, and I nod in agreement. We all head to that spot and Leo stops me with a furrowed brow. "Let me go first."

"Are you sure?" I ask, wondering why he was suddenly wanting to be the first to go instead.

"Yeah. I used to camp all the time. And me and my cousins used to do all kinds of stupid crazy shit at the river and rock mountains. It's kind of familiar territory for me."

Oh. Okay. I nod my head and we all watch him with bated breath as he slides down the slope, going a bit faster than what we liked, with my heart pounding. But he makes it to the branch that was a lot sturdier than it looked. He looks behind him and beckons me to come next.

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