Chapter Three

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The rest of the school week was boring as all hell. It was now Friday, and everyone wouldn't shut up about the party, not caring if the adults heard or not at this point. Matty was all excited and Zared took it upon himself to become his new best friend.

It was strange that not once did anyone ever pay attention to him, except for me. Now, with Zared greeting him every morning and even going to chat with him at his desk, they all acted they have been friends for years.

And Matty was eating it all up.

Why wouldn't he though? The guy never gotten this much attention before and he sure as never been this popular either. Guess it was just meant to happen for him to be this happy, being the center of attention from all the cool kids. I wasn't that upset about it. It was the fact that he seemed to be wanting to chat with Zared rather than me these last few days. And because of it I became this sour puss that was holding a grudge against the number one cool dude.

My mood was killing the vibe for people. I was being way too sulky, and they didn't want any part of it. So, I was left alone for most part of the day. As Travis stated,

"Uh oh, he's PMSing again guys. Probably best to keep a wide circle around him until he cools down again."

That fucker needs to get punched right in his balls, is what I think.

While Vi and the girls check up on me, asking me what was wrong, I couldn't voice out my frustrations because then they would know my secret crush on Matty and that I was actually jealous of Zared for taking all of his attention from me. But I appreciated them for trying.

Other than the project, we hardly talked this past week.

And dipshit was rubbing it all in with glee. Not only do I have to suffer in school, but at the store as well. His gloating was becoming stale to say the least. But it wasn't like I could lash out at him when people from our school kept interrupting me to give him a piece of my mind.

And just when I think I get a chance, Matty shows up and the two of them talk so animatedly that it makes me sick to watch them. I'll be so glad when this stupid party was over with, then everything could go back to normal and how it should be.

I sit at my desk watching them now. Matty was sitting there at his own, while Zared was sitting on top of the desk in front of him, his feet in the chair. Both Seth and Mateo were with them as they talked about one thing or another. They were all smiling and laughing, and I don't think I had ever seen Matty blush so much since I've known him.

Lunch time soon came, and I couldn't wait to get the hell out of that classroom. I ignore people calling my name as I quickly left the room. I take my lunch that I packed myself and went out near the tennis court where there was a concrete wall just underneath a big shady tree, even though it was cloudy and grey today.

I sit down on the three-foot slab and sigh. Looking around, I see other students taking strolls with their friends. How much lamer could I get? Just because I was getting jealous and being super moody about it, doesn't mean I need to isolate myself.

Besides, I think it was going to rain even though the weather forecast didn't mention it. I could smell the musky earth in the air. I go to grab my things to head in the cafeteria when my phones dings with an incoming text message.

Matty: Hey, where are you?

Me: Outside by the tennis court.

It wasn't often that he texts, so I was pleasantly surprised. And he was even wondering where I was at. I couldn't help the feeling of happiness spread through my chest at the knowledge that I was currently on his mind.

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