Chapter Twenty Five

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I felt a soft trail of fingertips running up and down my back as I slowly open my eyes from the deep sleep, I had just been currently in. Fluttering my lashes to get my eyes to dash the sleep away Zared's image came into focus as he stares at me with a slightly awe look about him. He smiles gently when he sees that I was now awake.

I couldn't help smile back at him, feeling a little heat rise on my cheeks and neck. I was lying on my stomach, my head facing him with the sheets barely covering my bottom half. Zared laid on his side just staring at me, and I wondered how long he had been doing that.

The room was now aglow from the candles that had been lit and I groan. "How long have I been out?" I ask, my voice sounding a bit groggy.

His smile turns into a smirk. "A couple of hours. I told everyone that today took a lot out of you, so you were needing the sleep. I brought you food if you're hungry."

I don't move from my position as I continue to look at him. He didn't have his shirt on and I wondered if he went out looking like that. A slightly jealous feeling overcame me at the thought that others saw that gorgeous body of his and I couldn't help the stink eye I suddenly gave him.

He watches me as I roam his bare chest and he chuckles. "Don't worry, I put clothes on before I went down. I just wanted to be naked next to you, so I took them off again." The blush on his cheeks darkened as he says that, making the raging green monster inside to settle a bit.

I reach up a hand and start to slowly, tenderly, rub my fingers against his cheek, his eyes fluttering at my touch, then I rub his bottom lip again, something I was beginning to love to do with him. It was just so plump and full that I just want to suck it into my mouth and do sinful things to it.

We stay like that for a bit, neither of us talking, just looking at one another, content with how things are at the moment. But I needed to say what I was going to tell him before my body suddenly became a sex drive addict and devoured his virgin dick. Which reminded me,

"Were you a complete virgin?" I blurt out.

His eyes widen at my sudden question and scoffs a bit in embarrassment. "No. I've had sex before. If you remember I did have a girlfriend in sophomore year."

I rack my brain for a moment and then it dawns on me. "Oh, that's right. What was her name again...wait but you two only dated for like a month." My tone came out surprised making him quirk his eyebrow at me.

"So? What does that have to do with anything?"

"Just that, like it's a bit...early to have sex in a relationship, right?" I wasn't sure how any of that worked. Don't people usually wait a couple of months or so before they take the next step? I didn't know since I've never been in one.

"You stated you had sex, right? Were you in a relationship with any of them when you did the deed?" He asks sounding a bit defensive.

I made a face at the thought of being in a relationship with any of those jerkwads and I understood his point. "Then did you only date her just to fuck her or what?" I really wanted to know.

Both his eyebrows shoot up at my question. "Um, no. We dated because we liked each other and figure we'd give it a shot."

I frown. "Then why did it only last for a month? Was she not good in bed or something?"

"What makes you think that she was the problem?" He sounded in total disbelief that I would ask him that.

I roll my eyes. "Babe, there is absolutely no possible way it was you. Trust me, I know. And you were definitely not the problem."

Could his grin be any bigger? I think I inflated his head a little too much there, but it made me laugh at it anyways, not feeling embarrassed at all to admit that. It was the truth, why sugarcoat it?

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