Chapter Twenty Two

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"Ow! What the fuck Jinsen!" Seth hisses as he clutches his nose and bends over from the sudden impact of pain.

My entire body both sagged in relief and anxiety all into one. I go to reach for him, an apology on the brink of my lips when Lacy snatches my shoulder and roughly shushes us, still looking in the direction of the cabinet.

Her painful grip was nearly pulling on my sweater, straining against my neck, but I don't say anything because the little door stopped moving completely. Standing there in complete silence now, nothing happens after minutes go by. Nothing moves, nothing comes out. But it was still creepy as fuck.

A tugging starts on my sleeve and I swivel my head to look over at Seth only to find that it was Zared that was trying to get my attention. I didn't even notice he was behind him because it was so dark in this room. But now he had moved closer to me, and I can just make out his face, that was cast in complete worry, his brows pulled down in a deep frown.

I was relieved to see him unharmed. Happy that he didn't seem to be hurt at all. But that made me frown as the scream I had heard sounded like they were in pain. He scans his eyes all over me, frowning even deeper, if that was possible.

And then he mouths, "Was that you that screamed?"

My eyes widen at the question. Wait, so that wasn't them then?

I quickly shake my head, mouthing back, "I thought it was one of you."

"Where's Jacob?" He mouths next, only making me shake my head again.

"Not him either. He left the building already."

Fear overshadows his worry as he nods his understanding and looked to where Lacy was still staring in the direction of the cabinet. He doesn't release his hold on my sleeve and I don't think I wanted him too. Knowing he was here next to me unharmed, it filled me so much relief that I'll take it.

She turns her head to look at us and nods back to the doors indicating for us to get the hell out of here. I wasn't complaining, I wanted to be outdoors as soon as possible. I quickly go to do just that, when suddenly another loud scream permeated the air around us, much louder and even more in pain.

It was the same scream as before and the back of my neck hairs and arms stood up at full attention. We all stop and stiffen at the sound, Lacy froze where she still held the light on the cabinet, but it doesn't move again. The atmosphere thickens with dread as I had grabbed Zared's hand on my sleeve in a death grip. I didn't even realize I had done that. But anchoring myself to him felt like the right thing to do. I didn't want to split up again if I could help it. I didn't want any of us to get separated in fact.

And I should have told Jacob to stay the fuck out there with Lani. It was too dangerous to come back inside. I wasn't sure if that scream was really another person, or if it was a creature mimicking as one trying to get us to be lured in their trap. I don't know why I didn't think of that before. Now that I know both Seth and Zared were okay, there was nothing stopping me thinking that these bastards were trying to trick us.

It was like my thoughts were spoken out loud as Zared starts pulling on me to get moving out of the room. I don't hesitate to follow, making sure to tap Lacy's shoulder to get her attention. She doesn't look away from the room as she slowly starts backing out behind us. She must have been thinking the same thing.

The faster we leave, the better. We got what we needed. There was no reason for us to keep loitering around in this place. Seth was in front of us, still holding onto his nose. I hope I didn't break it. I heard the crunch and my knuckles hurt like a bitch, but it didn't feel like I actually broke it. At least I hope I didn't.

We finally leave the back room and Lacy moves the light in front of us to guide us the hell out of here. But we only take a few steps when another horrifying scream rents the air. We come to a full stop and something up above us moves. I was too afraid to look. My mind going completely blank with nothing but absolute fear.

Before I knew what was happening I hear Lacy hiss, "Run!"

And Zared was pulling me by my hand as he suddenly jets forward as if he was just waiting for this to happen. At first I stumble a bit, not expecting such a mad dash from the guy, but I quickly right myself and run as fast as these damn legs would allow me too.

I still didn't want to look, so instead I hyper focus on the entrance that suddenly comes into view, the sunlight shinning through the front windows, trying to ignore the thrashing noises that was happening somewhere above us. I wasn't sure if we were going to make it, I wasn't sure just how fast these things were and why they haven't decided to come out until right now.

Was it because they were lurking in the back all along and we just happened to stumble in their mist? God, I hoped not. I was not ready to be faced with another one of their kind. These things were no joke.

We were now just moments away from hitting the sunlight filtering in when suddenly a large mass falls from the ceiling and right into our path, skidding us to a stop. My eyes were bulging out of my sockets looking at the horrific thing that was just there. Blood splattered everywhere and what was once a human being was now just a jumble of flesh, muscles and bones. It was like the creature decided it wanted to make a meatball out of whoever the hell that was.

And the most terrifying thing about it was the fact that whoever this person was, was someone who was wearing our school uniform. I couldn't tell however if it was male or female. Just that they must have gotten picked up while still wearing the clothes. Which meant it was someone from cram school that is held after school hours.

Those students usually stay out late at night until at least nine in the evening. This is bad. So, fucking bad. My body was shaking horribly now and my limbs wanted to give out. Was the scream that we heard belonging to them?

I was hyperventilating big time, my gasps coming out quick and hard, not able to get myself to calm down and stay quiet as both Lacy and Zared tried to get my attention. It wasn't until my face was suddenly grabbed and forced away from the image of that person that was now mushed, and my lips were suddenly crushed under soft, warm ones in a demanding kiss.

Everything in me just comes to a dead halt, my heart, my blood flow, hell even my trembling as I stare wide eyed into Zared's calm and collective ones, his lips fully on mine. He gently pulls away and whispers,

"I got you, Jinsen. I'm here."

Those words completely shook me out of my funk and the determination to get the hell out of here came crashing back that I just nod at him, and he slips his hand back into mine. He doesn't even bother to look down at the mess on the ground and I soon realize that both Lacy and Seth were a few steps ahead of us near the front door, yelling and urging us on.

Jacob and Lani were both on the other side of the door, outside looking both terrified and worried. I didn't even look back or up above as I see Seth's face turn completely ashen as he stares up above. I don't know what the hell he saw but I was just fucking glad that we all got the fuck out of there before it was able to do that to us as it did to that poor person.

Zared pushes me through first and I could hear a loud eerie screech as whatever was behind or above us hit the light and scrambled back into the darkness where it could fucking stay.

Don't Get EatenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora