Chapter Sixteen

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Everyone looks around the room. "Now that you mention it, Jacob isn't here either." Lani states with a frown. "He's always the first one in the kitchen."

"I thought it was weird that breakfast wasn't ready when I came in. I just figured he overslept with all the commotion going on, so I made it instead." Daisy voices out, looking to Lani and then to Lacy as she spoke.

Lacy doesn't say a word as her brows furrow. She places the plate on the counter and starts walking out of the room as she says, "Has anyone checked Jacob's room to see if they were still in there sleeping?"

I quickly follow her back up the flight of stairs. I was hoping that he was there with them. Hoping that he decided to chill in their room or something. But then that would be weird, wouldn't it? Zared didn't care much for Jacob, and you would think that him and Seth would be in Mateo's room rather than Jacob's.

A sense of dread was entering my body as we finally hit the last landing to our destination. When Lacy opens the door and heads straight for Jacob's room, Chuck comes out looking at her.

"What's going on?" He asks.

I don't answer either as I follow her right into the room as she opens it without bothering knocking. I stop to stare and see it absolutely empty with two beds just as messy as Zared's was. I immediately rush out and demand Chuck,

"Where are they? Where did they go?"

All the others had joined us right then as my voice started to rise. Chuck frowns at me in confusion.

"Hey! What's going on out there?!" I hear Mateo shout from his room.

Vi quickly rushes in and the two of them start talking, but it was too low for me to hear what they were saying. Not like I cared anyways, I wanted to know where the hell the others are.

"Wait, hold on here. What's going on now?" Chuck looks to me, then to Lacy behind me that comes out of the room looking highly pissed.

"I'm going to kill them is what's going on." She growls angrily. She stomps to another room that was off limits and wrenches the door open.

"Oh boy." Chuck sighs heavily.

"What is it? What's in that room?" I ask as I follow him.

I reach the doorway and my eyes widen at all the weaponry that was stored in there. The room was packed with all kinds of things that could be used against those creatures.

"Don't get to trigger happy, more than half of these weapons won't work on them. Trust me on that. Which is why they've been stored here instead. But..." She goes behind a wall of crates and I hear her curse "God fucking damn it!"

She comes out holding an empty long case. "He fucking took them."

"Which means they went outside of the wall." Chuck sighs again. "Why would they do that?"

"Wait, what do you mean they went outside?" I was now beginning to freak out.

Lacy grabs a few things and swings on a thick jacket that was hanging on the wall. She then takes the long sword I saw her with the day before and leaves the room.

"Stay here. I'll be back with them."

"I'm not staying here! And you're not making me either. I'm going with you." I yell angrily as I follow her to the stairs.

"I don't know what we'll be facing, and I won't be responsible for your life." She snaps at me as she swings the stair door open.

"You don't need to be responsible for me. I'm old enough to take care of myself. Besides, if they are in danger, you're going to need my help." My voice was hard and unwavering.

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