Chapter Twenty

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 Taking another step back, the smell became stronger, and I was afraid the thing was catching onto me of being aware of what it was trying to do. But I didn't want to take the chance for it to get me.

Again, another step.

Just when I think I was in the clear to jet away from this area I'm slammed with a foul-smelling stench that made me gag horribly. I falter in my step and nearly double over only to hear one of the guys yell out a scream.


I turn around, trying to ignore the nausea that swirls in the pit of my stomach, and something hits my back causing me to fall flat on my front, my face nearly hitting the ground.

"What the fuck?!" I gush out as the air is knocked out of me.

The traumatizing image of the creature from the day before swarms my vision and my body suddenly freezes up. The paralyzing fear made me slow to react before I start thrashing to get back up again. Whatever was on me was heavy and I soon realize it wasn't attacking me either, but that didn't make me feel better.

I throw my elbow back to hear a painful grunt.

"Damn it, Jinsen. Stop moving, it's me." Jacob hisses in my ear and my entire body stills.

"There's something down that aisle, I notice you weren't following us anymore so came to check on you. We need to move very slowly and don't freak out."

Okay, I knew that. But why the hell did he jump on me and covering my body, freaking me out even more?

I look over my shoulder to see his face scrunched up in both fear and comprehension of the situation. His eyes look into mine and he nods his head, his lips thin and brows furrowed. Okay, I got this. Even though my heart was pounding out of my chest and the adrenaline was rushing through my blood. I can do this.

I desperately push the awful images of my terrorized brain back up in the part of my mind that needs to stay locked away forever. Hopefully. He slowly gets off me, trying hard not to make a sound. The horrible smell was still present. It wasn't getting stronger nor does it seem like it was getting closer either.

Which was a good thing.

Once he was in a partial standing position and looking back behind us, he reaches out a hand to me and I clasp it. I try not to make a sound as well. As soon as we slowly stood up, he places his finger over his lips to indicate to stay quiet, which I had no problem doing whatsoever.

He points in the direction of where the others had gone off too and I couldn't help but wonder whose scream that was earlier. When I turn to head in that direction my feet falter in my steps to see the looming darkness.

Why did I ever think that this was a good idea? This place was a perfect nesting ground for these creatures. A prefect place to hide during the day. It was so dark that it was a miracle that we could even navigate through here.

But I did come to a realization that both Seth and Zared were nowhere to be seen. And it hit me that one of those screams belonged to one of them. A new kind of fear slams through me that one of them was in deep trouble. And I didn't realize that Jacob was still holding onto my hand.

I quickly let go, frowning. I wasn't sure if it was just because he didn't realize it either, or he needed to feel comforted. And I definitely didn't want to overthink on it. Instead, I just shoot forward, needing to get to the others to make sure they were both alright.

He doesn't say anything, probably because we needed to be quiet, as he follows close behind. I slow down, trying hard to listen. Hoping that I could hear some kind of noise from them, letting me know where they were.

But everything was now deathly silent.

Damn it, Zared. Where the hell did you go? And why haven't you turned back noticing that neither of us were with you anymore?

I didn't at first hear it, but Jacob did as he suddenly grabs my shoulder in a death grip, stopping me from taking another step. I still, hearing a weird slithering motion on the ground not far off from where we stood. All the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stood to full attention. Jacob was just as immobile as I was, not moving a single muscle.

I strained my eyes to focus in the dark better, needing to see what we were up against. To see what the hell we were facing. The sound was creepy and only making my heart pound harder, drowning out any slight sound I could have picked up normally.

The sound was getting closer now and louder, which told me it was definitely heading in our direction. I didn't know what to do. We couldn't go back, there was something also behind us. And I wasn't sure if it was safe to head in the aisle next to our left.

But we might not have a choice. I was just afraid we were going to get boxed in with no way of escaping at all. Jacob squeezes my shoulder and I don't know how but I knew exactly what he was trying to tell me.

He wanted to go down the aisle.

Well...fuck it. What other choice did we have? We were being followed by both sides.

Without another thought I lead us down the aisle and it didn't take me long to see that this aisle was full of plaster boards and wooden beams of all sizes. This should work for wood, right? For a split second I forget about the creatures and pat Jacob on his chest to get his attention on the material that was basically handed to us.

His eyes light up with relief and together we quickly start loading up our arms with as much as we can carry. I just hoped it wasn't going to hinder us in case we needed to make a mad dash to escape. But my worry for Zared and Seth was growing.

Neither of them were making an appearance or making any kind of sound to let us know they were alright. But then again neither were me and Jacob either. For all I knew they could be super cautious like us, staying as quiet as possible.

Once we were loaded to capacity, I nod my head in the opposite direction then where we came from, letting Jacob know to get the hell away from this area and he nods in agreement. I try to move as fast as possible that wouldn't allow me to make much noise.

I just wanted to find the others and get the hell out of this building. As soon as we hit the end of the aisle my mood brightens a little to see an empty flat trolly just sitting there. I jerk my head at it to Jacob and again he nods.

As carefully as we both could we place all the wood on top of the metal bed and I freeze when one of the beams clanks against it, making a hollow loud sound. Jacob doesn't move as his eyes widen in alarm. My heart spikes up in dread.

But after a few moments nothing happens, and no other sounds were heard. We both sigh with relief and continue to finish getting the rest on the trolly. As soon as we were ready to push the thing out, I nearly trip over myself when a horrendous foul smell hits us both like sledgehammers against a concrete wall.

It was so bad that I start to gag and nearly fall to my knees, and I knew right then we were in major deep shit. Because just right above us sitting on top of the aisle shelf was a large black mass and four beady yellow eyes staring right at us.

*A/N: This story has a new schedule! Chapters will be updated every Friday! Thank you for reading!*

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