Chapter Thirty Two

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Don't be a hero.

I wanted to be angry. But honestly, did I have the right too? I can't deny that if any of them were in danger that I would risk my own life to save theirs. It wasn't in me to just leave them behind. So, walking away wasn't an option to me. I didn't have it in me to be heartless. How could I just run away knowing that I would let any of them die?

No. To be eaten.

Don't be a hero.

Yeah, fucking right. Sorry, but if the time came to any of them needing me you bet your ass, I'll do anything to help them. It wasn't being a hero. It was being a decent fucking human being.

We were all silent as we treaded along down the road where the school was located at. Leo and Lacy were both in front of the group while me, Zared and Jacob took the rear. With the pack, the gun, and the sleeping bag hindering me just a little, Zared took the sleeping bag from me and threw it over his shoulder.

I tried to object but he just gave me that look that basically told me not to argue with him on this. So, I gave up before even trying which shocked the shit out of him. Guess he was expecting me to put up a fight and when I didn't, he had no idea what to do with himself. If I hadn't been so damn tired, I would have laughed.

The sun was a bit warm today, but not hot enough that I felt the need to take my sweater off. A sweater that was now beginning to stink. Making a face I turn away from where I sniffed myself. We slowed down a bit when we started passing the school and the dried blood covering the ground was still present from where that girl had been dragged away by Zared and the others.

The girls gasped as they saw the creepy setting. Vi covered her mouth in dread as she stared down at it.

"Is this the girl's blood?" Rissa asks, scooting closer to Vi.

"Yeah." Was all I say as we continue on, not even wanting to look at it any longer.

Right when we were going to turn a corner on the opposite side of the street I stopped and frowned. I had completely forgotten about it with everything that was happening. But the school reminded me, and I turned to look at the looming place.

"Jinsen what's wrong?" Zared asks, making the rest of the group stop and turn in my direction.

Looking over to him, I say, "That first day we were here, before you guys came along, there was a person behind the school standing on a roof of a house yelling out at us."

Rissa's eyes widened. "Oh yeah! That's right."

"Now that I think about it, I think they were trying to warn us." Leo speaks up with a frown of his own. "Do you think they're still there? Still alive?"

"What does it matter? We won't be finding out." Lacy goes to turn back around to head in the direction of downtown.

"But what if they're alone?" I ask, watching her stop again, huffing in annoyance as she spins back around to face us.

"You said it was in the back of the school. That's the complete opposite direction of where we're trying to get too." Her tone bordered on irritation.

"Yeah, but they're also a lot closer than downtown. What's another twenty minutes to check and find out? It's not like we were going to make it back by night fall anyways." I argue back.

"What the hell happened to rule number five, Jinsen? You trying to break it already or something?" She snaps.

Anger flashes through me. "I'm not trying to be a hero. I'm just saying we should at least check it out. To be sure that they don't need our help. What's wrong in giving others a fighting chance at survival?" I snapped back.

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