Chapter One

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One Month ago

I stare sleepily out the second story window with my chin resting in the palm of my hand. Today was a bit chilly, but the sun was bright in the sky. The big glass windows of our classroom were sparkly clean as one of them was slid open and a couple of students had their heads hanging out, playfully yelling at whoever was on the ground below them.

Mrs. Hanger was currently out of the classroom and the chaos of her absence was well heard.

"Ayo, Jinsen!" Someone calls my name.

Sighing, since I didn't want to be disturbed, I lazily look behind me to see a few girls heading my way from across the room.

Violet Carmichael flounces herself right in front of my desk, slapping her hands on the wooden top with a big huge smile on her gorgeous face. The other two, Christina and Rissa, came to the side, where Rissa immediately starts taking strands of my slightly short hair and starts to braid what she can with it.

"A little birdie told me that you don't plan to come to the bonfire this weekend." She casually says as she grabs the chair behind her and sits in it, crossing her lovely tanned legs since the girls' uniforms were skirts that had to be worn.

"Oooo, where did you get your new earrings?!" Christina squeals at me as she reaches over the desk and right into my face.

I didn't even flinch away. It was a common occurrence with her every time I wore something new. The girl digs my style. I slightly turn my head so she can look at the new studs I had gotten for myself to celebrate my eighteenth birthday.

While she was admiring my jewelry, I answer Violet. "I have to work this weekend."

"Ugh, why are you always working? You never come hang out with us anymore. One night isn't going to kill you Jinsen. We miss hanging out with our gay pal." She pouts adorably, placing her chin on her folded hands of the back of her chair.

"It's called tuition money Vi, how else am I'm going to go to college next year?" My voice sounded bored already.

"I love this cross earring Jin, when are you finally going to get tired of it and let me have it?" Christina whispers eagerly, her dark brown curly hair tickling my nose.

I snatch my ear out of her grasp. "Never, because it was the last gift I had gotten from my mom." I snap.

She straightens up with a guilty look. "Sorry, I forgot."

I was going to relent, just to get my hair pulled by Rissa, who hisses at me. "Stop moving! I'm trying to make you look even more breathtaking here!"

I roll my eyes. These freaking girls I swear. Never mind that we all have been the best of friends since elementary, but so was half the class.

Suddenly loud obnoxious yelling rent the air as a group of guys, who were all surrounding a table in the front, roughly start pushing and laughing at whatever it was that made them do it in the first place.

While everyone was looking at them and cat calling at their stupidity, I couldn't help but stare at the person, that I have been crushing on for the past year, walk in through the doorway right then.

Matty Barnett.

I watch him as he tries to make himself invisible by carefully making a wide arch around the rowdy group of guys while staring at them in fascination. He was definitely shy, and a bit of an introvert. He was cute too. He wasn't a big guy, maybe a little smaller than me. I mean, I wasn't very big either, but I could definitely hold my own when it came down to it.

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