Chapter Eighty

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Finally, Barnes opens another door that streaked with sunlight. Making my eyes squint at the sudden brightness from the dark. The first thing I notice was the noise. People talking, crying out, laughing. I thought maybe I was imagining things but when I pass the doorway I couldn't help staring in disbelief.

"Welcome to Safe Haven." Barnes smiles as he gestures around the place.

The man that left before to get the others comes to stand next to him as he looks to us with a reserved expression. I look away to stare at the surrounding area. It was a courtyard, a large one at that. The building wrapped around in a giant square with pillars that incased an outdoor hallway. There were doors spaced out every five feet or so.

"Wait, this place is a cathedral." Kyle states, just as amazed as I was.

Now I see it. He was right. But no one wore any nun garbs that I can see. "There's so many of them." I whisper as I realize all the people that were present.

Slowly one by one eyes set on us. Some lingered while others just went about their day after checking us out. The place smelled strongly of herbs and plants as they hung while being dried. There was a fountain in the center filtering out water. Clothes lines were splayed across the yard with wet clothes out to dry.

There had to be at least thirty to fifty people here. And that was just in the courtyard area.

"Around fifty-five of us." The man says as he steps up to me holding out a hand. "Name's Peter."

I shake his hand firmly. "Zared. And this is Kyle." I nod my head to the kid next to me.

"We heard about you from these guys. We were just about to head out to the bunker to get you, but you beat us to it, it seems."

"Our circumstances changed unfortunately." I grumble remembering why we had to leave in the first place.

"So, we've heard. We also know about the daylight roamer. It's not the first time we've heard of it."

"How are you all living here like this? Aren't you afraid of being heard?" Kyle asks seeing other kids around his own age or younger.

"The town is small so we're able to keep it clear of creatures. We patrol the outskirts to keep them from coming in if we can. We have alarms set up too. But at night we keep everything quiet to be sure."

"Were you all together when you got here?" I couldn't help asking slowly scanning each face.

"He isn't here. I asked around for you." Barnes quickly intervenes noticing I was looking for a particular face.

Hearing him say that deflated my hope instantly. Damn.

Peter frowns, clears his throat and keeps going as if he wasn't just interrupted.

"No. At first it was just me and Parker, but we slowly came to terms that we weren't able to leave so we decided on rescuing people instead. It was difficult at first but the more we gain the better our chances are."

He slaps his hands together. "You two must be hungry. We have food and water. Eat, get some rest. Barnes will show you where you can sleep."

With that he nods to Barnes and walks away. I look to the older man and ask, "Whose this Parker guy?"

"She's their leader. And was the longest outstaying person here." He smiles guiding us to a table laden with fresh food.

My mouth waters at seeing the fresh bread and fruit. "Was?" I ask halfheartedly, taking a steaming bowl and a fresh slice of bread from a woman who smiles at me.

"Yeah, was. You're here now. So that award goes to you."

"When do I get to meet this Parker lady?" I ask inhaling the savory aroma of veggies.

"Soon. She's currently out on a run with a few others. She should be back by nightfall. In the meantime, you guys eat and then I'll show you around."

With that he leaves my side to talk with Peter and some others that were huddled in a group. I wince as my side pulled. Looking to Kyle, I watch him shovel the food in his mouth like a starving animal, not leaving my side. Casey gathers some clean clothes and heads over to us as we sit on a concrete bench next to a flower bed.

"You guys stink so I brought some fresh clothes, a bar of soap, and new bandages. Once you're washed up I'll take a look at your wound, Zared." She hands us our supplies and sits next to Kyle.

Softly rubbing the back of his head she says, "They're talking about heading to the bunker to grab whatever is left in there. They're going to keep a look out for that creature Alex was telling us about too."

"I think it's stupid." Alex states as he walks up to us with folded arms. "Why go looking for trouble when it can be left alone? It makes no sense."

I noticed he was being wary of the people around us as he scans the area. But that was so him to be like that. He never trusts anyone. Kyle sighs happily as he puts the bowl and cup down on the ground.

"That hit the spot." He smiles.

"Let's get you cleaned up." Casey makes him stand and follows her.

I go to do the same and take a few steps when suddenly the door we had come through bursts open causing everyone to stop and stare in alarm. I just stand there my heart beating wildly, my breathing picking up staring at the people who walked through.

Taking a step, my eyes begin misting as Lacy wildly looks around, Leo and Lani just behind her. It was like everything within me goes to jelly and all I wanted to do was break down.

"Zared!" Lacy cries out as soon as her eyes land on me.

By now everyone was silent as we all watch her run to me and slams my body with hers. Leo and Lani were no better as we all came into a group hug. Lani started crying ugly sobs as Leo laughed a little with emotion. My own tears start slipping on my cheeks, not caring one bit that my torso was in uncomfortable pain from the ordeal.

I didn't care. The fact that these three were here was everything.

They pull away, Lacy still holding onto my shoulders. "You look like shit." She cries and laughs making me smile.

"Jinsen?" She whispers, looking around the yard.

My silence brought them back to me and all three faces instantly sobered up.

"Holy shit, for reals?" Leo gasps in disbelief.

"I-I don't k-know. We got separated." I choke out.

With a hard and grief stricken face Lacy demands, "Tell me everything."

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