Chapter Twelve

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"Shh!" Lacy stops us with a hand as she scans somewhere far off into the distance.

The sun was all but gone now, leaving dark blue hues with a tint of yellow. It was getting harder to see and we were just blindly following her lead to the entrance of the hotel. We haven't moved ten feet before she made us stop again.

She slowly turns to us and places her index finger to her lips, telling us to stay quiet. She then points to her ear and taps. She carefully leans down and lifts a foot gently and then taps her shoe. I completely understand what she was telling us, but I wasn't sure if anyone else did.

Zared squeezes my hand to get my attention. I look over to him and he nods his head, letting me know he too understood. I look over to Rissa who held a frown on her face. I squeeze her hand to get her attention and when she looks to me, I show her what Lacy wanted us to do.

I carefully lift a foot and place it quietly on the ground, then let her hand go to imitate placing my finger to my lips and keep doing that until she nods her understanding. Vi had been looking at me while I did this, and her face changed to one of getting it.

We all start the slow process of walking again. My heart was pounding hard in my chest of the fear that was starting to rise. It was dark, so I was assuming the creatures must come out in the open at night. Which meant they'll be swarming the place is my guess. And knowing that scared the shit out of me.

We were being so quiet I was too afraid that something bad was going to happen. Something had changed in the air. Some kind of heaviness that I never felt before. It was a lot colder now that the sun was gone. It was so dark it was hard to tell where we were going, the moon being covered by dark clouds.

It was all field until the parking lot of the hotel, but we have at least another fifteen feet from the asphalt. We all freeze up when a distant horrible scream rent the night sky. My entire body tenses knowing it had to be the man on top of the roof that we had saw. Closing my eyes, I couldn't help but feel a deep weight land on my shoulders, a weight of guilt that maybe we could have saved him.

But turns out, his wasn't the only scream that was heard. All the sudden there were dozens of them. I look to Zared, since he was the closest to me, with fear filled eyes. He just stood there staring at the ground as we listened to those horrible sounds.

Vi suddenly lets out a sob and we all turn to face her with dread. She quickly covers her mouth, tears falling from the tragedy that was happening out there. We all stay as still as possible, not making a single move. After long tensed moments with nothing happening. we all let out a silent sigh of relief.

Lacy waves her arm to get our attention and motions us to keep moving. We all start to proceed with care, my hand gripping Zared's in pure fear. Our hearts were pounding so hard that I could feel the pulse in our joined hands. Or maybe it was because I was gripping it so hard that the blood pressure was rising there.

I didn't know how to explain it, but some strange ominous feeling came over me. It went from the bottom of my spine zapping all the way up to the back of my neck, causing the small hairs there to stand on end.

I shiver involuntarily and I couldn't help but stop. Zared stops with me and pulls on my hand to get me to keep moving. But I couldn't, it was like my body was freezing up on itself. I slowly turn my head to face behind us. Scared out of my mind of what I would find.

All I see was looming darkness. My blood begins to rush through my veins, my heart beating so erratically that my ears kept thumping painfully. My breathing starts to come out heavily as I try my hardest to see through the darkness.

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