Chapter Forty Eight

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I carefully graze the blade gently across his cheek, watching the foam collect against it. We sat on his bed while my legs were loosely wrapped around his waist, that way I was able to get closer to him so I could shave his face.

My ass was right in the center of his crossed legs and his arms were wrapped around my waist causally as if we had done this position a thousand times already. I wasn't hating it, in fact, I was enjoying this position quite a lot.

"Do you ever grow facial hair?" Zared asks me as he stares down at me.

I was carefully concentrating on not pressing to hard against the swollen part of his skin and him moving his mouth to talk was spiking my anxiety.

"No, not really or at least not yet. It hasn't grown in. I do need to shave my legs though." I tell him, still trying to concentrate as the blade slowly comes down on his lower jaw.

After a few more strokes I realize that he wasn't tense at all. In fact, he looked very relaxed as he lets me do my thing with him.

"You don't seem to be nervous that I'll cut you, do you really have that much faith in my skills?" I ask cheekily.

"Of course, I do. I mean, could you honestly cut this beautiful face of mine?" He smirks, nearly making me hold my breath as he knicks the blade a little too hard.

I back away from him and give him the stink eye, letting him know I was highly on edge already doing this shit, but the asshat just continues to smirk at me. Seeing that the blade didn't slice him, I release the pent-up breath I had held.

"No, I love this beautiful face of yours." I lean in and lightly kiss his lower jaw where the foam was all but gone.

His smirk turns into a real smile at hearing me say that. I grunt with displeasure as I once again attempt to shave the rest of his face that was almost done.

"Stop moving or I will end up cutting you."

"Sorry." He quickly states and stays still as I finish up, all the while as I feel the tip of his fingers softly grazing my skin under my shirt on my lower back causing tingles to race all over my flesh.

I couldn't help but shudder from the pleasure it was causing me, and an intense impulse shot straight to my dick making it twitch just beneath my shorts. Ever since our first time together, just the simplest touches from him sets me off like a firecracker and I can't help wanting more.

My heart starts pounding in my chest as my nipples harden just from thinking about the things he could do to me, has already done to me. My breathing becomes a little shallow as I do the last part of his jaw only leaving him with barely any shaving cream left on his now smooth soft skin.

"Are you done?" He asks in a low husky voice that sent the small hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end.

I swallow hard as I gaze into his intense eyes that had suddenly darkened. "All done." I whisper.

"Good." He barely gets out as he slams his lips against mine.

I immediately clutch the front of his shirt in my hands to pull him closer and feel him ascend on top of me as I'm laid down on the bed. Our tongues clash together in a desperate need to swallow the other's whole.

The yearning that spiked in my blood was building like a straining lava bubble ready to pop. A moan escapes me as his body presses so amazingly on mine and without any hesitation on my part, I widen my legs even further to accommodate him to get even closer to me.

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