Chapter Fifty Eight

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It started to rain.

Enough to where we had to find some kind of shelter and remove the clothes we had on and put on warmer, thicker ones. I was shivering from the cold, looking out the window of a single family home that didn't have lurking monsters inside.

But while that issue was taken care of, we were faced with a more pressing one. The fact that the dark grey clouds were hiding the sun completely. When we first noticed the cloudiness we were concerned and knew we would have to camp out for the rest of the day and into the night until the next morning.

Honestly, we had no idea where we were going anyways. Hoping to find our friends that were able to escape and hoping were still alive out there somewhere. But we walked for two hours and didn't find anyone else. Friend or foe.

We quickly boarded up the windows and threw some furniture against the door. It wasn't much but at least it helped protect us in some way. Now that the sun was gone and the shadows appearing, monsters were everywhere. At first it didn't seem like they were going to come out with the rain and all but that soon changed.

I was pressed up against the wall next to a boarded up window with a slight hole to peer through, Zared just on my other side. I watch as more of those faceless creatures jerked and dragged across the street not really aiming for any particular location. I thought that was all that was going to come out when all the sudden one got slammed from the side out of nowhere by something much bigger.

It looked to be a dog like creature that was way to fucking large to be any kind of damn dog. It tore that faceless thing to shreds. I wanted to vomit as blood, guts, and limbs were thrown everywhere. The others didn't seem bothered other than screeching that horrible sound.

They made me think of Matty. I haven't thought about him since the day before when me and Zared had that argument. I don't know if he was able to find the others or ended up being on his own again. Now that it was just me and Zared I could slightly imagine just how alone he must feel.

Thank God I had this boy right next to me Without him, I don't know what I would do.

He grabs my attention and points to the other side of the room. I nod, understanding that it was best to stay away from the windows for now. As little noise as possible we gather some blankets that were found and huddle against the corner of the room furthest from the door. I place my head on his shoulder wrapping the two of us with the comforter.

He holds a large machete he had and placed it right on his lap. I was hungry but we couldn't risk making noise with the food, so we both went without for the time being. I look up at him as he stared intensely at the window. He was being hyper aware, and I knew he wasn't going to get much sleep. I was exhausted in all ways, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

He quickly looks down at me and gives a weak smile that didn't shine in his eyes. Placing his arm over my shoulders, he brings me in even closer, attracting more body heat and gives me a light kiss on the forehead. Soon the heaviness of my eyelids began to droop and the next thing I knew it I was out into a dreamless darkness.


I jerk awake.

Blinking, I look around to see that all was still quiet. It was now nearly dark in the room, and I wondered how long I was out for. Moving a little, alarm slams into me when I realize I was alone in the room.

Scanning around I don't see Zared anywhere. Looking down I see the machete was gone. The blanket was slightly pulled back where he had been. Where the hell did he go? My heart picks up double time as I quietly scramble out of the covering and softly pad against the floor to the next room.

Looking down the hallway to the kitchen I don't see or hear anything. I so badly wanted to call out his name, but that could draw too much attention to us, and I didn't want that. Maybe he needed to go to the bathroom. The darkness was beginning to play tricks on me causing my fear to escalate tenfold.

The pounding of my heart sounded louder against my eardrums and my hands became sweaty. I slowly walk down the dark hallway where I knew the bathroom was. But when I finally got there he wasn't there either. I could feel the panic attack arising in me already and I was afraid that if I didn't get it under control I was going to start heaving soon.

And fighting to get gulps of air into your lungs was too loud and too painful.

I close my eyes to try and get it under control, but it was fucking hard when my boyfriend was nowhere to be seen and having no idea where the fuck he went. Why does he do this to me? Disappears at the wrong damn moment?

I didn't take another step then something pulls on me and smashes a hand over my mouth to keep me from screaming out. I jump when I'm pulled full flushed against a hard chest. After my mini freak out and my heart jumping to the base of my throat I sag in relief to see Zared holding onto me.

But then I see the look on his face. He places a finger up to his lips and slowly takes his hand from my lips, using that same hand to lock hands with mine and pulls me back to the living room. We squat down at the window, and he points to something outside.

I honestly didn't want to look. I was too afraid to. Especially with the way he was acting. But he nods his head forward to get me to look and when I do I nearly jump out of my skin a second time. It was...well I don't know what it was, but it sure as hell looked creepy as all fuck.

It stood there in the middle of the street letting the rain pour down on it. But the thing was it wasn't moving, just standing there heavily breathing. It was hard to describe it, but it crouched forward, a large boil like substance hindering it on its back, like the thing was too damn heavy for it or something. The arms and legs were awfully skinny and its head you couldn't see with the long hair obscuring the view of their face.

I couldn't even tell if it was male or female. All I know is that it needs to move the fuck on instead of just standing there like a creep breathing deeply and slowly as it was. I look to Zared, who was watching me. I didn't know what he was thinking but he points to something else in the distance. Turning back around I peer to see what it was and when I finally realize it was already too late.

The creature lays on the ground folding in on itself only revealing the giant boil that starts to softly glow in a mesmerizing way. I stare at it in wonder as it shimmers beautifully, almost like a swirling cloud reminding me of a storm trapped in a giant marble.

Zared jerks me to get my focus off it but before I could look at him to scowl for the manhandling the voices get nearer to us. I look back to the group of people that were walking down the street not knowing what the hell was going on.

I could tell this was a fresh new batch and I soon came to the realization of what had woken me up in the first place. The flash of the purple light. Just like Lacy has mentioned before. I thought it had been just my eyes playing tricks from being jerked awake all the sudden. But it was the light that signaled newcomers that just joined the world of the living hell.

I watch them as they sounded scared, worried, and freaked out of the abandonment of the place. I knew all too well of the feeling when I first woken up in this place too. But it was daytime for me. So why was it different for them? And the fact that neither of us could do anything to prevent what was about to unfold, my heart sinks with horror that these new kids were about to become dinner.

Even if the creature in front of the house was the only one we could see, I knew well enough now that there were dozens of them waiting all around us. If we went out there to help them it wouldn't have mattered, because we would be dead within moments. I didn't want to watch this, but a part of me just couldn't look away.

And I watch as they all become enraptured by the glow of the monster that was luring them in to eat them.

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