Chapter Eighty Five

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I wince as my hand hits my side as I walked slowly behind Kyle and Lacy. It was swollen and bashed up. Pretty sure I'd broken a knuckle or two. Gently lying it against my chest I cradle the damaged hand hating myself that we had to leave Casey back there.

It's been another two hours since the accident and as much as I wanted to burn her body, we couldn't. Not without alerting the ones who could be following us. The smoke would be a dead giveaway. But leaving her like that just felt wrong. Wrapping her body with tarp that Lacy grabbed from that shed wasn't enough to keep her from the monsters later that night.

The sickening thought that I couldn't help thinking however was maybe it will keep most of them at bay from the three of us. As soon as I thought it I hated myself for it. But I couldn't help feeling that it would give us a little relief in knowing they could be somewhere far from us.

My hand throbbed to the point that I couldn't take it anymore. Trying to elevate it I needed to find out whether or not it was broken. Coming to a stop I call out,

"I need something to take this pain away and I need to find out if it needs to be reset if anything is broken."

They both come to a stop and turn around to look at me. Kyle's face was blotchy with dried tears staining down his cheeks. He had cried with little sniffles the entire time we had walked, he only finally stopped ten minutes ago or so. But seeing his face I couldn't help the sharp pain hitting my chest at the raw pain he was showing. Casey had been with him since the day he arrived here.

And I only knew too well how he felt losing someone he was close too.

Lacy frowns and comes to stand in front of me. Looking down at my busted hand she carefully, tenderly takes it, me hissing in the process. "Wouldn't be surprised if it is broken. You were socking the ground made of hard rock."

I don't say anything to that as I allow her to slowly twist and turn it to check. "Its swollen, but your wrist feels good. I'm going to apply some pressure in some of your joints. Let me know if you feel a breakage."

I nod and brace myself.

As soon as she barely pressed I wanted to scream out at the excruciating pain that was sent straight throughout my hand. I refrained and clamped my mouth shut, grinding my teeth as my eyes watered. I allow her to keep probing until she nods her head with a smile.

"A miracle. It isn't broken, but it is bruised horribly, and the muscles are swollen. We'll find you some stronger pain killers and find a way to get this swelling down. Maybe once we hit the river it'll be cold enough for you to stick your hand in for a while."

She lets me go and I instantly put it against me once more. I watch her as she goes through the bag she was carrying and pulls a small bottle out. "Here take two of these. It's the best that I have but it might still give some relief."

She hands me two pills. Kyle, who was quiet throughout this entire conversation, hands me a water bottle uncapped. Giving a small smile I take it and quickly swollen the medication. Handing the bottle back to him we all start back on our way.

Walking through the fields, heading towards the forest of trees that was getting closer and closer I realize it was going to be dark soon and there was nowhere to hide. Another twenty minutes go by, and I can feel the pain lessen just a bit.

"Shit, duck!" Lacy hisses as she looked behind us just as she had been doing since we headed out into the open.

We didn't bother hesitating as we all fall into the long grass. I grunt in pain as my hand hit the ground from the impact. That was stupid of me to do. My heart starts pounding because I have no idea what she saw to cause her to panic like that. I look over to her to see her straining her eyes at something that was behind me and Kyle. His breathing was getting heavier and heavier as his eyes were closed tightly, his face nearly smashed to the ground.

I reach out my good hand and clutch his shoulder in reassurance. He jerks at my touch and snaps his eyes over to me. The fear was so strong that I give him a look telling him I wasn't going to let anything happen to him.

His body starts shaking and I look over to Lacy again. "What is it? What did you see?" I quickly whisper.

"People. I didn't get a good look of how many, but they were heading in our direction. It's possible they saw us before we saw them."

"It could be Alex and the others." Kyle's voice shook as he looks to each of us with hope.

God I hope so. But was it worth the risk to look back up to check? But if they already saw us we were doomed anyways. Lacy must have been thinking the same thing as she says. "I'll check. If it isn't them I'll draw them away and you two keep heading towards the river. Got it."

She doesn't allow either one of us to argue as she stands on her knees and looks out over the grass. Then her body relaxes as she closes her eyes in relief. "It's Leo with the others."

My entire body deflates from the tension that it was in. We all stand up and I look over at the small group that was getting closer and closer. Alex must realize it was us as he starts jogging the rest of the way. Kyle meets him halfway, slamming him with a hug that surprised the shit out of him. He looks to me with wide eyes and scans the area. He frowns when he notices that we were missing one person.

He goes to open his mouth to talk but then at Kyle's sobs into his chest stops him and he instinctively wraps his arms around his shoulders looking at me with worry. I shake my head giving him a somber sad look. His shoulders sag and he squeezes Kyle closer to him allowing him to make a mess on his shirt.

Lacy was whispering lowly to the other three after giving them hugs and they all looked to the two holding onto each other with their own sad expressions.

"We can't keep standing here. We need to get moving. Parker knows you left with the newbie, and she's pissed. It was almost near impossible slipping out. She kept tabs on me for an entire day before I was able to knock out the spy and get us the hell out of there." Leo tells her.

"Fuck. Alright, then lets get some covered ground before night falls. Knowing her she'll be pissed learning what you did and will be trailing us before long."

With that Alex gently pulls Kyle away from him, wiping his tears as we all start heading to the forest.

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