Chapter Fifty Six

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We run as fast as our bodies would allow us. With the added weight of our packs, the exhaustion of little sleep, low energy of lack of hearty meals, it felt like every pounded step was weighed down and harder to take each and every time. The closer we got, the more the smoke became. I could tell by the color that it had been burning for hours.

When the full view finally came, we came to a full on stop, staring with disbelief at what we were seeing. The hotel was completely gone. Burnt to the ground as smoke continued to bellow into the sky, a mild fire still blazing.

I drop everything. Not caring about any of it as I rush forward, tears already slipping down my face. The thing that terrified me the most was the large skeleton that was smashed through the hand made fortress. It's bones as white as pure snow.

Just like the bones of that one monster that was left in front of the gate where Lacy had told us that the bottomless eater struck that night. But what the hell happened here?

I'm suddenly snatched to a stop as Zared grabs my arm and pulls me away from the wreckage. Where the hell was everybody?

"Rissa?! Mateo?!" I cry out, desperately trying to get out of Zared's hold.

He fought me harder. "Jinsen! Hold on!" He grunts as I kept trying to move forward.

"Seth?!" No one was answering.

Dread seeps into my gut as the worst possible scenario enters my mind. No. This couldn't be happening. There was no way they were all gone.

"Jinsen, babe, please." Zared practically begs and I hear it.

I hear the raw pain in his tone. The devastating heartbreak of losing someone who was important to us.

"No!" I sternly yell.

Stopping to swirl around and face him fully. The deep pain etched on his face as tears gathered in his own eyes nearly undid me.

"Not until we see proof." I tell him determinedly.

"Jinsen, both Rissa and Mateo-"

"Not until we see proof!" I yell, not wanting to hear the rest of that sentence.

He comes up close to me saying, "Babe, that fire has been burning for hours. In the middle of the night. Even if they made it out-"

"Don't say it!" I bark at him again.

He stops and stares at me. Sadness and hopelessness shined in those eyes. And I hated it.

"Not until we check it out." My voice wobbles on the verge of sobbing and breaking down.

We just stand there staring at one another for the longest moment until he finally says, "Okay, lets check it out." in the most timid voice I have ever heard from him.

We don't say another word as we start heading to the hotel. Honestly, I didn't know what to make of it as we got closer and closer. The stench is what hit us first. I knew it was from the devouring of the bottomless eater leaving it's leftovers behind.

The massive skeleton is by far the biggest creature we have seen yet. The ribs alone stood a good fifteen feet from the ground. How was it able to consume such a thing was beyond me. But coming upon it even in death was causing my anxiety to shoot through the roof.

Our friends had been dealing with something like this while we were gone?

"Why hasn't Lacy and the others shown up yet?" Zared whispers next to me, staring with wide eyes at the skeleton structure.

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