Chapter Thirty Seven

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This was worse than the hotel's stairwell. Not only was it pitch black and thank God that we both thought to bring flashlights with us, but the steps seemed a lot steeper to walk on. If by chance we had to race down these there won't be skipping stairs, we'll end up sliding down them breaking our damn necks.

In all honesty, I think I would rather die from falling down the stairs than be eaten alive. If that's the case, stairs I welcome you to be the death of me. I held onto Zared's hand since, well, he refused to let go, and I wasn't about to argue with him.

I flash the light onto the wall to see we made it to the third floor. Thank goodness we just had one flight of stairs left until we hit our destination. It was just getting creepier and creepier the more I think about being in here. The only thing keeping me sane was that Zared was here with me.

I would have been a total mess without him.

Right before we were going to hit that last set of stairs a loud clang sounded right above us, making us both freeze where we stood. My breath instantly stopped, and my heart hammered inside my chest, my feet glued to the steps.

Zared's hand tightens in mine. We keep our flashlights on in case we may need to use them. Turning slowly to look down at me, since he was a few steps higher, he indicates for me to stay silent, as if I hadn't been already, and points for us to keep going.

We slowly continue until the sign that says 4th floor came into view with a door next to it. I look down to see there was a keypad and my heart sank a little. But then I remember that there was no power, so it didn't matter anyways.

Zared let's my hand go and takes the handle, slowly turning it until we hear a soft click that sounded way louder than it should have. We both wince and freeze listening closely. No other sound came so he opens the door, both of us hoping it wasn't one of those that creaked on its hinges.

It doesn't make a sound, which was a very good thing. And opening it brought in light from the large windows on the other side. I sigh in relief to see we didn't need to be in the darkness on this floor until he says,

"We have to head around to the other hall this is just the waiting area."

My heart sank a second time within moments of hearing that. The other side was more than likely windowless, which meant, darkness and who knew what else. As soon as we let the door closed, we wasted no time in heading to the other side down the hall. The closer we got, the darker it became.

We started to slow down as the hall became creepier by the minute and our flashlights were back up to light us the way. Zared stayed in front of me, even though I didn't need him to protect me, it felt nice anyways that he wanted to keep me safe.

"It's in here." He whispers, shining his light on a pair of double doors that held the words 'OPERATION ROOM'.

The tiny windows in the door showed nothing but pitch black. I was having second thoughts on going in there, but there was no way I was going to have him go alone. With my chest constricting from the pain of a thundering heart, my palms cold with sweat, and my blood pumping through my veins, together we slowly open the doors.

This time they did creak, and we both cringed at the sound, stopping for just a moment waiting to see what would happen. Nothing makes a sound other than our breathing. I was the first to take a step inside. Zared follows closely behind, and we both gently close the doors behind us, otherwise they were just going to end up banging closed and we couldn't have that.

I carefully flash my light against the wall to my left, seeing shelves and tables that held what we were looking for. I wanted to move quickly so I head in that direction with Zared on my heels. We didn't talk, didn't make a sound as we carefully and gently pick up the tools with towels that Zared had shoved into my hand imitating not to use my hands.

I try hard not to make the metal clink together but once they were being shoved in my bag it was kind of difficult not too. I held my breath as I continued to put more in while Zared moved further down and was grabbing a bunch of surgical cloths and items that were sealed in plastic bags. He even grabbed some clear liquid bottles and threw them in.

As soon as I was done, I carefully flash my light to the other side checking to see if there might be anything in here with us. I know we should have looked for that first but honestly, we just needed to hurry the hell up and get the fuck out of here as soon as possible.

I was beginning to relax a little when I didn't find anything amiss until something catches my eye in the upper corner of the room. I swing my light back on it to see a large ball looking thing, with a weird web thingy all over it. I frown since it wasn't burning up as the light touched it making me believe it wasn't a creature.

But if it wasn't, then what the hell was it?

I jump when Zared taps me on the shoulder. Thank God I held in my voice because I nearly screamed out loud just now. He was looking up at the thing too, looking highly worried. He turns to me and points out the door.

We quickly leave the room and once we were back on the other side with the windows I whisper, "What do you think that was?"

He was shaking his head carrying a heavy frown. "I don't know. But the light didn't bother it at all." He whispers back.

"Should we be worried?"

He looks at me then as we get the door to the stairwell. "I'm not sure. For now let's get to the others and worry about it once we're back outside. Lacy might know."

I nod my head in agreement, and we open the door to head back to the first floor. I remember the sound from earlier and I hope we get to the others with no issues. But of course that was wishful thinking. Because we barely make it to the third floor when something crashes down on the stairs right behind us.

I quickly flash my light on whatever it was, and my body froze in terror as the creature before me screeches, it's mouth wide enough to fit my entire head in as the light causes it to burn away. But what has me terrified was the fact that its body was contorted of different human faces stuck in horror.

I couldn't move as I watch transfixed as it burns in embers, but instead of running away like most of them do it swings its arms right at me.

"Fuck, Jinsen, run!" Zared yells right behind me, pulling on my arm to get me moving again.

His voice woke me out of my trance, and I started running as fast as I ever had before. Skipping stairs and nearly hopping over the rail to the next set of stairs as Zared does the same. The creature seemed to be too large for the tiny space as it kept trying to follow us but crashing into the walls and slipping on the steps giving us the advantage.

"Fuck! Don't stop!" I cry out as I notice the bags that we were carrying were hindering us from moving faster.

But there was no way I was dropping it when we came this far to get the shit that was in it. And just my luck I step down wrong and my ankle twists lightly causing me to lose my balance and I skid to the ground with a hard thud.

I grunt with a hiss as the sharp pain of my ankle, left hip, and both hands went through me as I connected to the cement. The bag went flying making the noise of metal clanking together that was inside. I go to get back up as quickly as my body would let me but the pain that was sent through me nearly made it impossible.

"Jinsen!" I hear Zared cry out as he rushes back up the stairs to help me back up.

But just as he reached me so did the monster that was chasing the two of us.

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