Chapter Thirty One

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I awoke to pressure against all over my face. Blinking my eyes open I find Zared pressing gentle kisses waking me up. I was cuddled a bit beneath him as he had wrapped himself around me in bed. It was a nice feeling to be honest, being cared for like this. I wasn't used to it, actually I wasn't used to it at all.

My past hookups never required any other physical contact than the sexual need. Beyond that we didn't touch each other, and I always quickly left since I didn't feel comfortable staying longer than what was needed. Not once was I ever cuddled by anyone. I never gave them a chance too. But judging by the assholes I hooked up with, they weren't the type to do that anyways.

And it took me a minute to realize our situation and where we were currently at. I was still dead tired and going by the brightness in the room I could tell it was daytime. How much sleep did we get? A few hours? By my body's reaction I would say it wasn't enough.

I groan closing my eyes again not wanting to get up out of bed.

"I know, but they're heading out and I know that you wouldn't want to miss going." He says to me gently as he takes my arms and lifts me into a sitting position.

My body was screaming at me for not getting enough rest but if the others were heading back out there then I wanted to join. I needed new clothes. Besides, we needed to find out what we could about Christina and the other two that showed up last night.

So, I force myself off the bed, putting my shoes back on, all while trying to keep my eyes open from the exhaustion that wanted to take over. Zared takes my hand and pulls me up to follow him out the door.

"Oh, um...Rissa knows about us by the way." He quietly states as we head for the stairs.

I stop in my tracks and stare at him with wide eyes. I was just about to ask when he says,

"Who do you think woke me up? I wouldn't have gotten up either without her barging in and staring down at us like a creep." He sighs, pulling me after him further into the hall.

"How would that make her think-"

"Jinsen." He stops to deadpan me with a stare. "We were all over each other in our sleep. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out after seeing that."

I close my mouth shut after hearing him say that.

"Don't worry, she didn't say anything since her look said it all. I don't think she'll say anything to anyone though, not until she talks to you first." He reassures me.

But that didn't make me feel any better. The fact I never said anything at all is what she will be most angry about, and I wasn't sure I was ready for that conversation. I blindly follow him, my hand still in his until we stop right in front of Mateo's room. The door was wide open, and I hear low talking as we approached.

"We're leaving in ten minutes. Let the two of them sleep, they could use it." I hear Lacy say to whoever else was in the room with them.

Zared lets my hand go and I felt the sudden distance between us in that moment and I didn't like it. I was the one who started this, the one who thought to hide what we're doing and yet I felt hurt by the action. Fuck, was this how he felt when I did it to him all day yesterday? I'm such an asshole.

"Hey." He says to the room at large, making everyone look over to us.

It was just Lacy, Mateo, the two young ones that came with Christina that were still passed out, Chuck, and Seth.

"Hey, how are you guys holding up?" Chuck asks us as he looks dead tired.

Seth and Lacy didn't look any better. In fact, did any of them get any sleep at all?

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