Chapter Forty Six

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Then a horrible screaming starts.

I look over to see another guy that looked no older than we did, start screaming his head off as he stared at the man that was lying dead on the ground. He shuffles backwards, trips over his own feet and lands right on his ass, still screaming bloody murder.

"Shut him up or I will!" Lacy yells out, changing the direction of the shotgun on the kid now.

"Nathaniel shut the fuck up man or she's going to blow your brains too!" The one holding me cries out desperately just as he releases me sounding scared out of his mind.

As soon as I was free, I ignore the pain my body was feeling and quickly crawl to Zared, who still hadn't moved from his sitting position. His eyes were slightly wide, his breathing a little hyperventilating. As soon as I reached him, I immediately try to get as much of the blood and pieces of flesh off his head and face. I tried so hard not to make a disgusted look, but it was hard when you knew it was human that you were touching.

Wiping his face clean with my sleeves, I look into his eyes and whisper, "Babe?"

He blinks, then swallows hard. "You're hurt."

"I'll be fine, you look worse than I do." I voice out seeing his bottom left jaw was beginning to swell a little.

"I thought...I thought..." His voice began to choke up as tears swelled in his eyes.

"Shhh, it's okay. We're okay." I whisper, leaning in and kissing him right on the lips.

His body was shaking as he leans his forehead on mine.

"How many of you fuckers are there?" Lacy demands right then, reminding me we weren't alone and still facing a horrible situation.

She just blasted a dude's face clean off and she couldn't seem to be bothered one bit. How was she able to shut down all her emotions like that? I would be royally freaking the fuck out. And the fact that she killed someone with no hesitation told me she was probably a lot more dangerous than I first took her for. But...I was glad that she was on our side.

"Why should I tell you? You just shot one of my guys." The man still kneeling in the same spot, stared at her with interest.

"And I'll be shooting you next if you don't answer me." She cocked the gun leveling it right at his chest.

"Well now, if you shoot me, you won't ever know." He taunts.

"If I shoot you, one less psychotic bastard to deal with and I'll still get my answer by threatening that one." She nods her head to the kid that was now sobbing, staring at the man whose brains were all over the asphalt.

"Jinsen, Zared, get your asses over here." Lacy demands us and we didn't hesitate.

For once I had no problems issuing her orders. She just saved both our lives right now, cause who knows what would have happened if she hadn't shown up. Torture, that was for sure. I wince as pain shot through my torso, but I again ignore it and with Zared holding my hand we both quickly walk away to the others that were standing nearby.

Lani was shaking, looking pale as hell as her eyes averted downward. I knew she was highly disturbed on what happened, of what Lacy was capable of, but she was trying to stay strong in the face of these people.

I just wanted to leave and never look back.

Then the man starts laughing. We all stare at him like he had completely lost his damn mind, his laugh getting louder and more hysterical.

"Jonesy, shut the fuck up man." Another of the men whisper harshly as he starts looking around wildly in fear.

I frown wondering what the hell was wrong with him until he looks over to one of the high buildings. I stare in the same direction not understanding at first, since there was nothing there, until it hits me on why he was acting this way.

My heart starts to leap, my blood rushing with anxiety. "You guys, we need to go." I say, still staring at the sky.

"See, you get it. You really are one smart fucker, aren't you?" Jonesy chuckles, like this was hilarious to him.

The sun was setting, and the buildings were beginning to provide shade on the streets and grounds around us. I quickly scan the areas my breathing jumping as I start to see some of the monsters already making their appearances.

"Fuck." Leo curses as he finally realizes the situation.

Lacy sighs irritably as she stares down Jonesy.

"Go on sexy mama. What are you waiting for?" He leans up on his knees and spreads out his arms, with a huge grin on his face waiting for her to kill him.

She only hesitates for a split second before she aims lower and shoots the guy right in the upper thigh. The cracking sound of the gun gained growls and high pitch screeching all around. We all quickly cover our ears as Jonesy screams out in pain, flying backwards onto the ground, blood seeping onto the street. He quickly grabs his leg that was gushing.

"You fucking bitch!" He yells out angrily.

"Isn't that your motto. Offer them bait so the rest of us can live? Well, this time your ass is the bait." She spits at him.

Looking at the other three that stood there in shock and shaking, she says, "I suggest to get running unless you want to stay with your friend here and become dinner."

She doesn't say anything else as she pulls the gun back and turns to us. "Let's get the fuck out of here."

None of us argued as we all rush to find a safe place for the night before we too become dinner. I couldn't help looking back to see that the three boys left Jonesy there on the ground with him cursing at them with hate and venom. They didn't bother to even look back as they were quick to get the fuck out of there.

I stop just for a moment as I watch the one creature with a brain for a head heading in the direction of Jonesy, cautious of the sun light that was still hitting the ground in certain areas. Jonesy, seeing them too starts to crawl his way in the other direction. Somone grabs my hand and pulls me along.

"Jinsen, don't look. He isn't worth it babe." Zared sternly states, him still pulling me after him.

I turn away and don't turn back around even when the horrible screams with growls started and seared into my brain forever.

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