Chapter Seven

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My head was killing me.

I slowly open my eyes just to shut them right back as the sunlight, streaming through the open curtains of my room, nearly blinds me like a flashlight being shinned right in your face. I groan at the pounding in my skull. I roll over in my bed, away from the window, just to snap my eyes open in bewilderment.

I was alone, but why was I naked? I slowly sit up to see that I was only wearing my briefs. I rack my splitting head, trying to remember if I had undressed myself before falling into bed, but nothing came up. I couldn't even remember the last thing I did as my head was hurting way too much.

I open my mouth just to find it dry like the desert of the Sahara. I go to check my phone on the nightstand next to me to find a glass of water with two painkillers next to it. I freeze my hand over my phone wondering how that got there. I don't think I would have done that since I wouldn't have really known that the morning after drinking heavily was going to be like a bulldozer to the brain.

But grateful that they were there, I quickly take them and then check the time. Holy crap, I slept in so late. It was past noon already. I get out of bed and head for my bathroom. When I turn the switch on for the light, nothing happens. I frown when I flip it back and forth and nada.

Was the light bulb out? I head to my bedroom light switch just to find the same problem. Frowning, I go in the living room and try all the switches, television, and see that the digital clocks weren't working. Well shit, there must have been a power outage or something.

Sighing, I head to the main bathroom since it has a window to provide light and I turn on the shower. Heading back to my room I see that the clothes I had worn last night are folded neatly on my dresser with a note on top of them.

Snatching the note, I carefully read what was written.

Brought you home, had to wash our clothes, thanks for the puke by the way. See you Monday.


I groan in dismay at reading the note. Well fuck me. Did I really throw up on him? I guess he probably deserved it, hell the asshole did deserve it. He was part of the reason I had drank myself stupid last night in the first place.

Speaking of which, what the hell happened after I walked away from the two of them? It was all sluggish and fuzzy in my brain. I grab clean clothes and head back to the bathroom. Oh well, I'm sure it will eventually come back to me later.

After a nice steamy shower, I felt a thousand times better. I went to the kitchen to grab me something to eat and plopped down on the couch. My aunt said they wouldn't be back until later tonight and I didn't have work, so all day today I had absolutely nothing to do.

The power was still out and had no idea when it's expected to be back on. So, getting up, I decide to head outside and take a walk to the nearest café to grab some coffee since I wasn't able to make any here. Checking my phone again I go to text to see if Vi and Rissa made it home okay, just to find there was no service.

"The fuck?" I frown again.

The power wouldn't have affected the phone service so why was it showing no bars? It was supposed to be colder today than it was yesterday, so I quickly change into some light blue skinny jeans, they were a bit long so I had to roll them at the bottom, and my light purple converse shoes. I slip on a long sleeve white shirt then a very soft, pale lavender sweater that was slightly a little too big on me.

But that's how I like them.

The logo on the front was just big letters of the brand that made it. Grabbing the house keys, I leave just as I grab my favorite baseball cap, that belonged to my dad, and lock the door behind me.

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