Chapter Nine

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As soon as we started walking, the person disappeared. I look to Seth, watching him frown at the area they had just been. He turns to look at me with skepticism in his eyes. I falter in my step a bit, thinking that maybe the person got a bit scared that six strangers were headed in their way. I mean, I get it. Totally makes sense to me on why they would be wary of us now.

I watch a lot of horror movies to understand what this could look like to them. So, I stop, making the others do the same.

"I think only two of us should go." I state to the group.

"Why?" Mateo asks with a stupid confused look on his face.

"Because they'll think we might be a threat to them if we all go at once." Leo fills in for me. He looks over in my direction. "That's what you're thinking right?"

"Yeah, yeah it was. If you look it in their perspective, it was just me alone when they first looked over here. So, they were calling out to me, but then you guys start showing up. Now we know they're there and we all start walking in their location like some Purge movie, in a straight line like this, walking with a purpose...yeah I would freak the fuck out too, thinking I just made a huge ass mistake."

"Yeah, that makes total sense when you put it that way." Rissa takes a step back. "So, who's going then?" She asks next.

"What if they are dangerous?" Violet asks instead. "What if they did think you were alone, so they were trying to lure you to them, but then saw all of us instead?" Her eyes become guarded at that prospect.

She had a valid point though. Were we really at the stage of this weird bazaar day to think there are people out to harm us? It hasn't even been twenty-four hours since this city was abandoned by more than half the population, it not nearly all. I didn't know what we should do.

"Or, we could just say fuck whoever that is and go do what we were going to do in the first place." Seth slaps a hand on my shoulder with that idea and I'll be honest, I wasn't hating it.

I look over to the others. "What do you guys think?" I ask the four of them.

"I'm going wherever you're going Jin." Rissa states immediately, crossing her arms.

"And I'm going wherever she is going." Vi soon follows quickly.

Leave it to my best friend sticking with me, to leave her best friend to stick with her. I look to both Leo and Mateo. "Looks like majority wins this one guys. Unless you want to go find out yourselves about that unknown person." I shrug.

"Uh, I'm also sticking with you guys. Leo, you're on your own." Mateo interjects.

"I just figured we should find out who they were, but you all have a very good point in this." He sighs irritably. "But I'm not stupid, so I'll stick with you lot for now."

"Good choice my man!" Mateo slaps him on the back, getting a dark scowl from the dude.

I don't wait another second as I turn right back around to start heading back in the direction we had come from. I was ready to start finding the people I wanted to look for. The first place I wanted to look was Matty's house. I had to see if he was there. Regardless that he may not look at me in the way I looked at him, I still deeply care about him and want to make sure he was alright.

My heartbreak wasn't the problem anymore when we were all in a situation like this. Knowing that he was okay will ease my mind and to keep him by my side until we can all figure out what this was.

As for Zared...

It was hard to explain why I felt the need to see him. Maybe it was the fact that I had known him the longest out of everyone. Or maybe it was because we had that weird, tolerated friendship of bickering and getting on each other's nerves on a daily basis that was making me feel this way.

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