Chapter Six

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I was falling all over the place as I laughed my ass off at Rissa and Vi trying to perform their cheer dance. They were doing such a horrible, hilarious job at it that they had loads of people laughing. I was completely anger free and jealous free as my body was swaying to the music and my mind was in this blissful state of not caring one bit.

Now I understood why people drank this awful piss shit they call a beverage. I also didn't realize how many other gays were at this party and boy was I having fun flirting my ass off with a few of them. Danced with a few of them too. Almost made out with this one really hot piece of ass from our rival school, who was down-right ready to fuck.

I wasn't going to go that far with him but making out would have been nice just to get my mind off a certain someone. But it didn't happen as his phone rang, he paled like a ghost, and walked away from me. Haven't seen him since.

Oh well, it wasn't killing my good buzz. So, I went on to whoever wanted a piece of the action. I haven't seen Matty since I started drinking like my life depended on it, but I was okay with that. Because honestly, I didn't want to see him. He broke my heart and smashed it with his bare hands.

I haven't seen Zared either though and the sudden thought they neither of them were to be seen anywhere, my mood suddenly turns dark. I stop laughing and quickly look around. Nope, nowhere to be seen.

Tears sprang to my eyes and once again my heart twisted in pain. I get up off the ground where I had fallen and nearly crash land back. But I catch myself and start walking away. I think I hear some people call out my name, but I ignore them as I wipe my face roughly from the stupid tears that fell.

I stumble on the dirt path heading away from the party. The night was getting really cold, and I only had this jean jacket over a long sleeve shirt to keep me warm. I hated the cold. I jerk when I hear giggling in the brush that was nearby, along with making out noises. Gross. I scrunch up my face and get away from that area as quickly as possible.

Staring up at the night sky full of twinkling stars I couldn't help but think how this night was a total bust. I came here to do...what exactly? I wanted to get away from all my troubles, but I end up at the one place that those 'troubles' were at. Why was I doing this to myself?

I kept walking, pretty much dragging my feet now. I was trying to get to Vi's car, but it was too dark to see where she had parked, plus I couldn't even remember the color or make or her car anyways. I was going to sleep this off but looks like I was going to walk home instead.

Maybe the walk will clear my head.

Or maybe not as I stub against a rock in the ground and nearly fall over, but then I felt large arms wrap around my waist to keep me from face planting into the dirt. I couldn't help the giggle at the thought.

I hear a heavy sigh just next to me. "Where are you going?" The sound of his soft voice at first didn't register.

Blinking, I look up at his stupid beautiful looks. His face was so close to mine as he stares down at me without a smile to his lips. I scoff and lift my fingers to the corners of his mouth and forced them up into a fake smile.

I giggle again. "Much better." I mumble.

His arms were still around my waist, his warmth seeping into my clothes and skin. It felt nice from the cold bitter wind that was starting to pick up now. He raises his eyebrows at me in skepticism. But I just frown at him and try to push him away.

His arms slack a little, but not enough as I stumble again, and he tightens them right back around me.

"You're drunk." He deadpans.

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