Chapter Thirty Six

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"We found gas for the generator." Lani pops out of nowhere, making me jump from the unexpected appearance.

I look over to see she was beaming, well smiling I guess since who could really feel that happy being in a place like this? I instantly think about Zared and the conversations we've had in bed. Okay, maybe we could.

"We'll get it set up and place it next to the building, that way it's ready for us when we're on our way back to the hotel. If we take it now, it'll only hinder us." Lacy announces as she grabs one of those red gas cans and starts to head outside to fill them up.

"Hopefully we can gather enough to last us a little while." Leo states as he grabs whatever off the shelf and shoves it in his bag.

We quickly get the gas cans ready and place them where they were easy enough to grab, but not visible enough that someone could just walk up and take it either. Who knows how many people may be out there looking for their own gains. It's possible, after all. Even though it doesn't look like anyone else is around this area at all.

"Let's go." Lacy snaps as she starts walking off, followed by Lani, Leo and Christina, who still hasn't said a word to anybody.

"You would think she would stop bossing everyone around at this point." I mumble, only to get Zared to smile at me, taking back my hand in his and following suit.

Another hour passes and I knew we were getting close. The surrounding area was becoming more empty businesses, more cluttered and less residential. We walk by the community hospital that looked dreary and abandoned, the nine-floor parking garage standing next to it.

We slow our steps and stare at the giant building. Half the windows were busted, the front doors of the emergency room left wide open for anything to get in and out. The place was covered in dead leaves, overgrown shrubs, and caked with dust. It was left in the same condition as half the city was in.

"Think there might be some survivors inside?" Lani whispers, as she continues to stare at the building.

"If there were this place would be heavily guarded and secured. There's no way they would leave the doors open like that for creatures to get inside." Lacy responds, frowning as she scanned the area.

"What do you want us to do?" Leo asks, readjusting his bag on his shoulder, frowning as well, while looking over to her.

"We have to get inside. We need medical supplies. We're here so we might as well grab what we need now." I press, knowing that both Rissa and Mateo won't last without the proper medication.

Lacy sighs heavily again. "He's right. We could use more medical supplies."

"Alright." Zared states and places his bags on the ground, keeping his weapon in his hand. "I say we go in groups, check different areas, but stay close in case one of us needs help."

"I agree." Lacy announced and does the same thing. "Leo with Christina, Lani's with me and you two go together. Be back here in this spot within thirty minutes. We get in, we grab, we get out."

I nod as everyone else does.

Together we all head inside, and as always, Lacy bangs on the windows to see what will come out. Again when nothing does it still doesn't ease our growing awareness. This place was large with many rooms and many floors. Creatures of any kind could be hiding here, especially since this was the perfect setting to hide in a dark cold place. Some rooms have an abundance of light, but many more of them don't.

"The medicine will be in the pharmacy quarters." Zared immediately says as he rushes to the big sign that was showing on what section was where. "Here, pharmaceutical Laboratory. It's on the first floor, just follow the arrows. Most rooms have to have an access card or code, but with no power you should have no issues getting in. Jinsen and I need to head to the operation department for any tools we might need."

"What about antibiotics?" Lacy asks as both Leo and Christina start heading off in the direction of the pharmacy.

"If you mean the liquid kind and not the pills, you'll have to head up in the chemical section. Which is a bad thing to go too. Even with power it's highly dangerous to open the doors, now that there isn't any power it's even more dangerous to go inside. If you try to attempt to get in there, you're exposing everyone to the dangerous effects."

"So, in other words, there are no other antibiotics than the ones in a bottle. Got it." She goes to follow Leo and his cousin with Lani trailing her.

"Ready?" He turns to me and asks.

I nod my head, holding the shotgun closer to me. "What floor are we heading too?"

He gives me a grim look. Turning, he points to the board again and I wanted to groan.

"And the worst part is we have to take the stairs to get there." He says a bit gloomily.

It takes us a few minutes to find the stairwell, but once we do, we both look to each other. Why couldn't there be fire escape stairs on the outside instead? They always had to place them inside the buildings where it was dark, creepy, and not much space. Not to mention the operation compartments were on the fourth floor.

This was the worst place to be right now. It was a great opportunity for monsters to make their hideout during the day. And the worst part about this was the fact if we get attacked there were only two directions we could go. Up or down.

Sure we could just head on other floors but there was still the dilemma of heading back in the stairwell to get back on the first floor. This was a shitty ass situation no matter how we saw it. Unless we were lucky, and the place was empty completely.

He slowly opens the door, the loud creak making us both cringe. I was right. It was pitch black on the inside and that sent my heart flying against my chest. My blood runs cold at the thought that we might not make it out alive this time. But the thought of my friends who were fighting for their lives right now came to mind, strengthening my resolve to push forward with this.

Zared takes a deep breath like he was trying to compose himself to do this. I didn't blame him since I was doing the same damn thing. But right before he goes to head in, I grab his shirt front and force my lips on his, shocking him.

"Stay alert." I whisper breathlessly.

His eyes calmed as he nods his head in understanding. "You, too." He whispers back.

I was right behind him as we both walked into something that could possibly be a death trap to get to the fourth floor.

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