Chapter Five

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Vi pulls up on the dirt path heading to the open field basically in the middle of nowhere. It was a few miles out of town, where there was a single barn and a pasture in the distance somewhere nearby. Most of this land was owned by the state and not really claimed by anyone living here.

So, it was pretty much the hang out spot for the underaged. Sometimes the community college students used it as well when they got tired of going to where most college people chilled. But it wasn't very often that happened.

And the local police didn't really care that we hung out here doing all kinds of dumb shit. As long as it wasn't bothering or hurting anyone, they pretty much turned a blind eye to all our illegal pastimes.

I get out of the back seat as the two girls slam their doors. Looking around at the huge bonfire in the center, beer kegs all over the place, with already halfway drunk ass people causing obnoxious laughter, yelling, and music blaring to make you deaf...I already regret coming.

I internally groan debating to just get back in the back seat and sit there for the entire night instead. Vi raises her arms to sway with the music as she calls out to let everyone know she was there, wearing the shortest jeans shorts I had ever seen and a tube top that really showcases her large breasts. It was clear she was planning to attract the opposite sex to getting down and dirty.

What a slut. I smirk as I watch her shaking her ass already. She hasn't even drunk yet, and she was already acting like a soon be drunkard. And Rissa, looking gorgeous as all hell in a flowy skirt that reached just midthigh, along with a skintight spaghetti strap laced shirt that went down just above her pierced belly button and went perfectly with her tanned toned skin.

Her hair was glossy in beach waves and her makeup was spot on. That girl really needed to become a national makeup artist for celebrities, because she had major talent. And her intuition was amazing, because she didn't need to look back as she quickly grabs my hand and starts pulling me after her.

"Nope. You're already here, so you might as well enjoy yourself." She says with a beaming smile that I love so much.

I sigh dramatically, letting her drag me to join the crowd. I let this girl dress me up in tight black skinny jeans, no tears because honestly I wasn't a fan of them, matched with a belt, a long sleeve black shirt that nearly swallows my hands, but thankfully wasn't as tight on me, but still hugged me in a way and was loosely tucked in, in the front. Then I had on a washed-out blue jean jacket that I rolled the cuffs up showing my, many different kinds, bracelets I loved to wear.

With my earrings, chain necklace and black combat boots, I say I looked pretty good in the get up. Not to mention she had styled my lavender hair to where it looks so soft and fluffy. She didn't even bother with any real makeup on me, stating that my skin was too polished to be adorned with harsh concealment of foundation. So, she just put eyeliner and mascara on to heighten my eyes.

"Holy shit! You actually got him to come?!" Seth yells out joyously as he pushes his way through a bunch of people to get to us.

I hear a loud piercing whistle that made me cringe inside. "Hot damn, boy! If I was gay, I'd totally fuck you." Mateo says as he walks up with a red cup in his hand.

Annnnd this night just got ruined with that awful image in my brain. "If you were gay, I still wouldn't touch you the way you go sleeping around, you man slut." I recuperate back.

"Oh, burn." Rissa hisses, her hand over her mouth, and eyes gleaming in laughter.

Mateo just grins. "Hey, when he's right, he's right." He shrugs and takes a huge drink of his beer, followed by a large belch.

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