Chapter Ninety

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"Jinsen!" I yell out when I got closer.

He was a lot further away than I first thought him to be, but it was open space and it seemed like he couldn't hear me. I don't mind the others with him. They weren't important and I'll kick anyone's ass if they try to stop me from getting to him.

My sole focus was on him, to getting to him. He stands there, not moving still looking up into the sky fascinated by something. The tears continue to ran down my face as I get twenty, ten, five feet from him.

And just when I was reaching out something happens that causes me to come to a dead stop. I didn't understand why he didn't look at me, why he seemed to ignore me calling his name. Like he was completely oblivious that I was even there. Just like Seth and Mateo had been.

Now I stare in complete confusion and dumbfounded at what I was seeing. I was right in front of him. Right there. I could reach out a hand and touch him. But I watch as he lifts a hand and pushes on something that wasn't there between us. A slight wave of light flows from his palm and disappears into the air. I stare at it as he does it again, this time in a different spot.

I was breathing hard from the running. My heart aching and my throat closing in on me as I watch. Reaching out I try to touch him, but my hand connects an invisible wall of some sort creating the same light as before. It didn't make any sense of what was going on. We were so close to each other. Right here facing one another and yet...we weren't.

It made one thing clear as I took him completely in. He couldn't see me, couldn't hear me. Because whatever this is was preventing me from being with him. From him being with me. We were so close, so fucking close. My heart twists in pain and I felt like everything was crashing around me. Because while knowing he was still alive I wasn't any closer to him than that day at the mill.

I take in everything I could of him. He looked skinner, like he hasn't eaten for days. Dark circles were under his eyes like he wasn't getting enough sleep. He wasn't smiling and the light in his eyes were no longer there as if he basically has given up on everything. His hair hadn't been cut in weeks, maybe in months and his clothes...

New fresh tears gathers as I realize they were my clothes he was wearing. My shirt, my jacket. When had he gone back to my house to grab them? The bow slung over his shoulder I recognized instantly. I wanted to hold him, to show him that I was right here, alive. Placing both my hands on the wall I lean my forehead against it just as he drops his hand and starts to turn away.

Sniffling I whisper, "Jinsen, I'm here. I'm right here."

He suddenly stops looking back towards me without really seeing me. He frowns, his eyes skirting back and forth as if looking for something. Drawing up close, where if it wasn't for this damn fucking wall we would be in each other's space, he puts his hand back up creating the flow of light. Sliding my own hand up against his I swear I could feel the pulse of his heartbeat through my fingertips.

I watch him close his eyes and take a deep breath I couldn't feel or hear. Leaning as close as I can I whisper, "I love you. I'll find you. I promise."

Reopening his eyes I can see the tears gathering in them like he was able to hear me. But I know he couldn't. He starts to move away, and I couldn't help following alongside him as he follows the rest of his group. I wasn't ready to part just yet.

I could have walked alongside him for the rest of our lives if needed. But they start to break away from the invisible wall and into the trees. A boy roughly around our age yells something to him, pointing into the forest. I didn't hear what he said since his voice didn't penetrate the wall.

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