Paw Patrol: Pups Save Two Lost Snow Pups

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(scene opens to Jake's mountain where Jake, Everest, and a visiting Marshall are helping evacuate the skiers and snowboarders including Mason)

Marshall: Mason I'm surprised to see you here?

Jake: He was here for a little snowboarding practice!

Mason: I blame the weather for the incoming blizzard!

Jake: That's one way of saying it!

Mason: Oh! By the way Everest, stay safe! (walks off)

Everest: (confused) Huh?

Marshall: I wonder what Mason was talking about?

Jake: We'll Mason might know something that we don't even know about!

Marshall: I sure hope nothing bad happens to anyone!

(the blizzard suddenly arrives after everyone else leaves and it generates powerful winds so all three rush toward the chalet)

Everest: (is lifted off the ground by the wind) Whoa! (pup tag flies off) (shouts) Help!

Marshall and Jake: (shouts) Everest!

Jake: We need to tell Ryder!

Marshall: Yeah! (runs off into the storm) (shouts) I'm comin, Everest!

Jake: Wait Marshall! Too late! (calls Ryder)

(scene switches the Lookout where the pups are inside)

Chase: Whoa! That storm certainly came outta nowhere!

Ryder: Yep! I hope everyone's alright?

(Pup-Pad rings)

Ryder: Hello? (answers) Jake is something wrong?

Jake: Ryder dude Everest gone blown into the blizzard and then I tried to stop Marshall but he ran after her!

Ryder: (gasps) (worried) Oh no! Pups!

Skye: (concerned) Something wrong Ryder?

Ryder: Everest and Marshall are both out in that blizzard!

All Pups: Oh no!

Skye: (looks outside)

Ryder: Jake there's not much we can do with the blizzard!

Jake: (sighs) I know can you help find them when it calms down?

Ryder: We won't give up until we find them!

Jake: (nods) Thanks Ryder! I hope they're alright?

Ryder: Me too!

(scene switches to Mason, Melody, and Mirage hiking through the blizzard with ease)

Mirage: Wow! You weren't kidding about the storm Mason!

Melody: I'm just glad this weather won't harm us! But glad our family found somewhere safe!

Mason: Yep! The sewers should be alright to avoid the blizzard!

Melody: I hope Everest is alright?

Mason: I can't believe Marshall would run into this storm to find her!

Mirage: Found something! (brings over Everest pup tag)

Mason: Good work girl! Hm? (activates a tracking feature) It says Marshall is that way and slowing down!

Melody: He must be freezing!

Mason: (shouts) Follow me! (both huskies follow him)

(scene changes to Marshall shivering and walking slowly across the snow)

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