Paw Patrol: Paw Patrol vs The Jungle Predator

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(scene opens to the Jungle with Everest eagerly joining her friends who are happy she could join them on their latest visit to see Tracker and Carlos)

Everest: I'm so excited to be back here with you guys!

Marshall: Yeah! I'm happy you could join us!

Everest: (giggles) Me too!

Tracker: (ears moving) Guys I think I can hear a motorcycle coming!

Carlos, Ryder and Pups: Motorcycle!?

Sound: Motorcycle engine!

(a big wheel circles around the group)

Marshall: (surprised) Whoa! What is that thing!?

Everest: Yeah!?

(the mysterious ride suddenly stops with ease)

Everyone: (surprised) Whoa!

(Mason exits the vehicle alongside Hex and Venus who was at the wheel)

Venus: (excited) Mason, this ride you and the elemental brawlers created is so cool!

Hex: (excited) Yeah!

Ryder: Mason, Hex, Venus is that you guys?

Mason: (chuckles) It's us Ryder!

Carlos: (walks around their vehicle) What is this thing?

Mason: The elemental brawlers and I call these rides, pup choppers!

Marshall: (worried) Pup Choppers?

Mason: (calmly) It's not as in cut up I'm referring to motorcycles! This ride is basically like a motorcycle with one giant wheel!

Marshall: Whoa! Now that you say that I think it looks really cool!

Pups: Yeah!

Mason: It's magical and able to accommodate any number of passengers! It even comes with a magical garage mode for storage! (explains how the pup chopper works)

Everest: even I have to admit the ride you guys made looks so cool even with all those modes you threw it!

Mason: (chuckles) New ones can be added at any time!

Everest: (excited) Cool!

Venus: You should try driving it dear, it magically adjusts so humans and animals can drive!

Hex: Plus since it's magic, no pollution!

Everest: So cool!

Mason: Even has an autopilot!

Ryder: You and the elemental brawlers sure made a very impressive ride!

Mason: Yep! Not the only one we're proud of! So what are you guys up to?

Chase: We decided to visit our jungle friends!

Sound: (engine revving)

Venus: Come on slowpoke!

Hex: Yeah Mason!

Mason: (chuckles) You two can't resist driving it can you?

Venus: Nope! After you friends let us try out those special magical rides in their racing universe we just can't resist driving them! (races off)

Mason: (Shouts) Come back here you two! (runs after them) I should've taken my satchel outta that pup chopper!

Ryder: Need a hand Mason?

Mason: I'm good! (pulls a rabbit talisman out of his boot) Glad I put this in my boot! (zooms away)

Everest: Whoa! Now that's fast!

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