The Twins Tortures Teacher

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Turning off my phone, I placed it on my lap, looking away.

Beck's phone lit up as he got a text message and he grabbed it from his lap, looking at the text message I'd just sent. "What?" He looked at me, "Really?!" He challenged as he looked at me in my face, I trained my eyes on the masks Sikowitz had on his walls, not giving him a glance. They looked nice.

"Hmph." I mumbled, loud enough for him to hear. Just then, Tori and Andre walked through the door, just coming into class.

"What's up?" Andre greeted, as they made their way to us.

"All right." He nodded, "Okay..." Beck said in response to my pettiness. He aggressively typed a response, as Tori and Andre stood confused. Sending the text, he crossed his arms over his chest, nodding his head with a satisfied smirk.

I picked my phone up when it dinged, seeing what he was so proud of. I audibly gasped (dramatically) and looked at him, "Huh?" I asked putting my hand over my heart. "What?!" I exclaimed looking at him. He looked between my lips and my eyes as I looked at him slightly irritated, he knew what he was doing giving me that cute, seductive, handso— NO! I am mad at him right now! I nodded with a sarcastic laugh, picking my phone back up from my lap. "Okay, baby, you wanna go there?! Let's go there." I shrugged, angrily texting him back.

"I wonder what they're text fighting about." Andre said, glancing at Tori before looking at Jade.

She shrugged with a small smirk, "Ask."

Tori nodded her head, walking closer. "Let's ask 'em. Hey you guys..—"

"Stay outta it!" Beck exclaimed, as I sent the text.

"Butt out!" I yelled, looking up from my phone. I rolled my eyes, looking at the clock.

"I'd rather not get involved." Tori said, going to her seat.

"I think that's best." Andre nodded his head, going to his seat too.

Cat entered the classroom with a giggle, holding her water bottle. "Hey, Cat." Tori greeted as Cat walked in front of the stage.

"Hi, everyone!" She laughed to herself, "Knock knock!" We gave her our undivided attention as class was about to start.

"Uh, who's there?" Robbie asked, holding Rex in his lap as always.

"Isn't." Cat said.

"Isn't who?" Rex asked.

"Isn't life amazing?" She answered, before laughing. She waved her arm around as she laughed to herself and went to her seat. "I know!"

The bell finally rang as everyone stared at Cat either confused or concerned. Sikowitz entered the classroom, hopping up the small stairs to the stage as he held a big box in one of his hands. "Good morning people or as they say in Guatemala," He placed what looked like a coffee machine box on the chair, before looking at the class with his arms held out. "Una tortuga se comió a mi esposa."

"That means, 'A turtle ate my wife.'" Tori corrected, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Well, that's sad." Sikowitz scrunched his face up, before his face broke out in a chortle. "But hilarious!" He chuckled, chucking his bag towards the window.

"Hey, whatcha got there?" Robbie asked, referring to the box he placed on the chair.

"Yeah, whatcha got there?" Andre asked as well.

"Whatcha got there?" Rex added.

"This is a one-cup coffee maker, a gift to me from our esteemed principal." Sikowitz answered, sliding his hand down the box. He stood up straight, crossing his arms.

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