Chapter 3 - Snow White

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Author's note:

Today's the day >:) I'm sure you've already guessed what the title means. Maybe you haven't.

Also, please share this story to other Chishiya fans if you like it!


I'm out of breath.

I literally jogged three blocks and I'm out of breath. Absolutely winded.

I find myself at a giant square intersection and sit in the middle of the road, panting in front of a big screen. It's an effort not to clutch my chest as if I'm having an asthma and heart attack at the same time. I have too much pride and it's likely that I'm not alone.

This is the screen that would eventually point me and other confused players towards the first game venue.

It's also the screen that I followed when I first came here.


I glance at the Starbucks sign under it and reminisce the luxury of coffee. I should've gone home for that. The coffee here tastes like metal.

I suck in a drool that nearly escapes the corner of my mouth.

If only my parents saw me now. They'd be embarrassed.

At least I'm the smartest woman here. That's when the brilliant thought hit me, thus proving my point.

If the world was reset to the new players' time, there should be fresh coffee in there.

I haul ass to the café, resisting the urge to desperately sprint like a deprived crackhead and I was right. There is brewed coffee in there.

Without wasting any time, I grab a Starbucks merchandise cup, hop over the counter and fill it with the now room-temperature coffee. All the ice in the store is near melted by now so I can't make it cold, and there is no electricity so I can't heat it up.

I am thrilled.

I chug it down like an animal before refilling my new cup for later then take a pack of gum for later.

As much as I'd be willing to carry this cup of coffee, I switch it for a plastic bottle that I buckle to my pack.

I'll need both hands free just in case.

I wont die for some coffee. Probably. Who knows? Someone could kill me right now since my guard dropped lower than hell for this moment.

I squeeze my hands into excited fists and internally smile to myself. My face remains blank, but my eyes are wide. I've always been that way.

I tend to physically dissociate sometimes and I zone out, not realizing my face doesn't match my emotions. I could genuinely be in a good mood and look petrified.

Like now. I haven't been this happy in weeks. If someone were to see me in this moment, happy would likely be the last guess on their mind.

Same with my focus face. I've been told I look pissed off when I'm focused.

Oh god.

My heart rate has literally doubled, my hands are shaking, and my mind is racing.

Oh right. Caffeine does that.

After I finish drowning in my caffeinated glory, I exit the store and follow the arrow's instructions towards the bright purple light polluting the sky.

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