Chapter 17 - Bargain

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A/N: Hey guys! I just realized how rapidly our numbers are rising and I don't even know how to react anymore I'm just so appreciative. Look at us go :')

\._.\|._.|/._./ dance party for 5k readers. Bam. We celebrated.

Also, I just thought of a Karma x Chishiya scene inspired by a song I heard and I'm literally losing my mind over it because it's so perfect. You'll have to wait to read it because I unfortunately can't rush the story to get to that point but it'll be amazing and I'll tell you the song AND the timestamp of the song when the chapter with it comes out.

Rant over.

Anyways, thank you for almost 5k you beautiful readers. You're what keeps me motivated to write. Truly. I love reading your comments too like seeing notifications from you guys makes me so happy <3

Karma's POV

"Holy sh-" Kuina starts before she's interrupted with more screaming.

We make our way through the flood of people and when we're able to see the pool clearly, some of the water is tainted pink.

The music abruptly stops and there is a commotion of voices.

I shove past the wall of people keeping us from the opening to the pool, and see two bodies floating in it, face down. Fresh blood leaks from them both, blending into a light pink in the water.

I look around and people are shocked, looking amongst each other. Some are leaving the scene in fear that they're next.

Who would do this and why?

I look again to the bodies and see that the blood is coming from their necks then I place a hand on my head, thinking.


Kuina and I exchange 'what the hell' glances and I see her lock her eyes on something behind me.

I whip my head around to see what it is and my heart sinks at the sight.

Vanya is balled up on the floor with a broken beer bottle in her hand, fresh blood dripping from it. Her arms hold her knees to her chest and she's crying and hyperventilating.

"Vanya!" I raise my voice, sounding both angry and worried.

I look back at Kuina, who softly shakes her head.

She hold up the number 3 and fear fills my eyes.

This can't be good.

I rush to Vanya, kicking the bottle out of her hand. She yelps, but I grab her arm and aggressively drag her inside. The crowd parts and some start to follow us, but I don't let them.

"Follow us and I will personally make sure you regret it." I threaten them, venom in my voice.

Luckily, they all comply. I may have just earned myself some bad PR for helping a murderer, but this is serious.

Getting her off of the site is priority right now.

When we reach my suite, I throw her onto my chair.

"Explain." I sit on a table in front of her, crossing my arms.

She tries to stand, so I have no choice.

I draw my gun and point it at her.

"You have ten seconds to start explaining," I narrow my eyes, "don't try me."

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