Chapter 42 - Eenie Meenie Miney Mo

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A/N: I have news. Your guys' energy/prayers worked because YA GIRL GOT A 105 ON THE EXAM. Holy smokes I studied for like six hours straight before the exam, hence the late upload lol. I was braid dead last night and passed out mid-sentence while writing this chapter.

Double length chapter here ;)

Anyways, thank you for being patient with me lately! I have a hecka busy schedule and TONS of homework, but I'm trying my best to keep up :)

QOTD: Scariest paranormal or unexplained event that happened to you?

Mine was when I was like 13 and I heard my mom calling me loud and clear from upstairs at like 2am (I was in the 1st floor living room and I heard her from a 3rd floor room). I was home alone reading because I was afraid of the 3rd floor at night and I was about to go upstairs when she called me, but I remembered that she was at work on a night shift. I SPRINTED back to the couch and called her immediately.

Karma's POV

It's been a few days since Ryu left to follow Kuina and I've been regaining my strength. Chishiya went on a supply run in the hotel yesterday, so now we have more water and some protein bars.

He hasn't let me do anything this entire time. Not even to help make a fire to stay warm. The most he lets me do is stand and stretch to get my blood flowing.

I feel bad for burdening him like this, but it's not like I didn't try to help him. Multiple times.

He's just so stubborn. So am I, but he's right.

I lay bedridden in the same bed I've been grounded to for the past few days, and I look outside to see the sun has risen once again. This marks the start of the fifth day.

Bright glares beam through the curtain and I can see the dust floating in the rays of light. I see he's reshuffled the cube for when I awaken, so I take it and start to solve it.

"Good afternoon," the door swings open, colliding with the wall in a loud, booming impact.

Did he really have to burst in like that? No, he did not.

"Excited? What if I was sleeping?" I scoff in a half-chuckle, half-why?

"I heard the cube," he then sets down a warm cup of noodles, just to pick it up, and he drags a chair to sit at my bedside.

I don't ask about why he literally busted the door down, I'll just assume it was his eagerness to see me.

Removing the lid from the steaming cup, a cloud of steam arises from it and the smell of chicken-flavor invades my nose. It smells delicious. He takes a fork and picks up some noodles, blowing on them, and he brings them to my mouth with the cup under them.

Did I mention that he doesn't even let me feed myself half the time? Yeah, he only lets me feed myself snacks.

And he gets annoyed when I try to do more. For "optimal healing conditions," he tells me.

"Thanks," I say, swallowing the first bite. He nods and takes a bite for himself before making another one for me.

This cycle continues in silence until we finish the noodles, and he places the cup down on the bedside table. Then, he looks at me, nearly blank faced, but slightly stressed.

Ah, he's thinking again.

I noticed these past few days that he thinks really hard before he does any affectionate gestures. I don't know how to tell him that he doesn't need to think about them, and to just do it.

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