Chapter 22 - Worth a Shot

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A/N: My exam went well!! I can't wait to binge write. Tomorrow I should be able to upload twice. Once in the morning, and once at night. Also remember our time zones might not match, so times may vary for you all.

Anyways! Let's get on with phase two. I'm literally freaking out over the fact that we're almost at 10k reads. Like didn't we just celebrate 5k the other day? Thank you all so much for supporting this story.

QOTD: What's your talent? Mine's piano. Your turn :)

Karma's POV

Don't look back.

I keep running until my lungs can't bear it anymore and find myself met with Kuzuryu and Mira, hundreds of feet from The Beach. The air is cool, but heat radiates off of me.

I guess they left earlier, then.

My throat burns, my eyes burn, my gunshot wound burns, my heart burns.

I feel like I'm physically, emotionally, and mentally at the lowest I could possibly be.

I felt okay when I was with him, though.

"Karma," Kuzuryu calls out, "have you decided on a venue?"

I turn to stand with them, facing the burning resort, and just pray that Chishiya's okay. The mixture of orange and yellow dances in what should be a dark city. Large flames lick the air, and dark smoke rages.

I've been so caught up with these people that I barely even had the chance to develop a game.

Kuzuryu and Mira can sense my uncertainty, as if they smell the irresponsibility in me.

Mira folds her arms over her chest.


I exhale and swallow.

"The children's hospital."

I look up and Mira smirks and Kuzuryu raises his eyebrows, slightly nodding.

"I was worried I'd have to fight you for the Supreme Court," Kuzuryu teases without even a hint of a chuckle.

I wonder if he even has emotions, he's always been just blank.

"Great choice, Karma! It's a shame I won't be there to witness whatever game you have in mind," Mira opens her arms, reaching for me.

She takes me by the shoulders and looks me deeply in the eyes, almost creepily.

"Congratulations!" She smiles.

I only nod.

It's worth a shot.

"Mira, I have a question," I hold eye contact with her, but blink multiple times in discomfort.

Kuzuryu approaches to stand closer to us and his eyes are analytical. I have a feeling of what the answer might be, but there's no harm in asking.

"Of course!" Mira smiles, releasing me from her grip.

"Is there any way for me to, you know, return to the old world?" I ask, strength and determination in my voice. I can't seem weak, I'm asking for a lot.

Mira sighs, "Karma, you made your choice. You had a chance."

Her eyes turn both cold and sad.

"You know that players clearing your game will have to result in your death." She looks down and I can't tell whether she's disappointed in me or my circumstances.

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