Chapter 44 - Long Live, Indeed

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A/N: I just realized it failed to upload last night lmao I logged in so excited just now to read your guys' comments I'm so sorry.

Welcome back to some more trauma and loving <3 Not much to say today, but I have another online exam on Sunday so lmao wish me luck because I'm stressed.

QOTD: If you could talk to your younger self, what would you tell them? I would smack her and tell her to get her sh*t together loll. Jkjkjk

Karma's POV:


"Get your ass up," I hear a voice, muffled, blending with the pounding ringing in my ears. I'm pressed against the trunk of the car.

How I managed to survive the bomb drop? I was lucky.

Chishiya's bomb's explosion was actually not that big, so the biggest impact was from the nails and sharp things he put in it. In the three-or-so seconds I had before the explosion, I threw myself over the back seats of the car, into the trunk, and held the backpack over my head to protect my head.

Well, considering I'm still breathing, I'm pretty sure it did the job.

"Get up."

My eyes are still tightly shut, and I feel dizzy and my head feels heavy. All of my senses are nullified.

"The car is on fire, it will blow up. Get up."

Fucking hell.

I force myself to open my eyes and the world starts spinning. I can't hear anything but ringing, pounding, and the damn voice, meaning it's a hallucination.

I look around and bring a hand to my throbbing head. When I look at my hand. I see red. I have no idea if the blood is from my head or from my hand.

Fuck, it's hot in here.

Don't pass out, don't pass out, don't pass out.

I repeat these words in my head as my head gets heavier and heavier.

"Get up!"

Outside the back window, I see a blurry Kaito looking into the trunk.


"Please, Karma get up! Now! Open the trunk!"

He starts banging on the glass, begging me to get out. I know he's not real. He's only a hallucination, my brain's response to try and help me to survive.

My eyes start burning and the smoke in the car grows thicker, causing me to choke. I start punching the glass in a desperate attempt to escape and accomplish nothing.

I then see a bright green handle at the base of the trunk and pull it, causing the trunk to swing open and I fall out, landing on the grassy street..

My brother is nowhere to be seen.

I knew he wasn't real, anyways.

The breath of fresh air enables me to cough, choking on the smokey substance that's trapped in my airway, and I spit multiple times as tears cloud my vision. My spit is tinted gray and my eyes burn so badly.

I scramble to my feet, only to fall forward and catch myself with my hands. Stones and rubble puncture my hands without breaking skin and I don't care because I don't feel it. The sunlight is overwhelming and my hearing starts to tune back in, only for it to be blown out by a second explosion that knocks me off my feet.

Queen of Diamonds (x Chishiya)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant