Chapter 23 - Welcome!

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A/N: Who's ready for a day of binge-reading? Two chapters are in store for you today, including this one, and the next one will be out for you tonight <3

Any last theories on Karma's game?

Good thing you're finding out here shortly. It gets a bit complicated, but I made sure to make the rules as clear as I could for you.

Also!! Now's the time I have to stray from the main plot for the sake of the story. Not everything will be as accurate to the main storyline but I'll still stay true to a lot of it.

HOLD UP. We reached 10k readers help I'm having a heart attack. Thank you guys so much for supporting this story! Look at us go.

\._.\|._.|/._./|._.|\._.\/._./ WOO

QOTD: Show recommendations?

Karma's POV

I'm awakened by a bright glare from the sun shining directly at me through the room window. I instantly roll over to face away and rub my eyes in an attempt to alleviate the pain.

Annoyed, I aggressively close the curtains and mentally add it to my to-do list to do this to all of the hospital rooms with windows.

When I turn around, the TV screen in the room is on and the timer counts down from roughly thirty minutes.

I'm not even close to ready.

Immediately, I rush throughout the first and second floors of the hospital, closing any contains in sight. The bright light from the sun is then tamed and my venue looks perfect. Not too bright, not too dim.

I stand in the middle of the hallway and count on whoever's controlling the game to have everything else set up for me. Now's the time I take the opportunity to stretch and prepare.

Maybe I was being too nice when I decided to put water snacks in the box I left them at the registration counter.

Call me ridiculous, but I would have killed for some snacks in some of the games I had to play.

Especially my favorite cookies that I've been painfully deprived of.

I sit in a waiting area in the second floor with beige couches, stools, and sleek dark wooden tables, taking in the final moments of peace before I have to face my victims.

My starving mouth is stuffed with a basic beef ramen that I warmed up in the dining hall microwave, and I'm even able to make coffee.

I really took electricity for granted back in the old world.

Coffee and ramen? Not the best combination, but it's not like I have time to make a separate meal.

I fight to keep thoughts of those I care about out of my head. Today I need to focus on making sure my game goes smoothly for me.

Being distracted here could very-well get me killed.

I just have to hold on until Chishiya gets here.

I look at the time on one of the TVs and I have only five minutes until my game must open.

If I ever get out of here, my friends, my citizen friends could very well be dead by that time.

They want that, though. I don't. I won't burden myself with hurting for them if that's what they want.

I clean my mess and make my way towards my start base, which is an operating room on the second floor, opposite to the side of the lobby on the first floor.

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