Chapter 24 - Beta Test

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A/N: I'm so glad I have some of you calling out my mistakes because ya girl forgot to include the game name in the previous chapter lolll. I fixed it though don't worry.

PLEASE READ!!! I had something urgent come up last night so I'm rlly sorry for not uploading the second chapter of the day. I'm not one to break promises, but this was very important. Please understand :) On the other hand, it will just switch the double upload to today.

To answer a few questions:
"Predator" is because they're all hunting. Karma is a predator, but so are the players. It's a matter of outsmarting the other team (Karma v. players), tactics, stealth, and strategizing to win. Additionally the puzzles in order to claim zones are critical because five minutes to claim a zone can be very long under pressure and knowing you're being hunted. It's not a game of athletic ability, but a game of keeping the upper-hand ;)

I hope that I cleared some things up. You'll probably have a better understanding after this chapter hehe.

QOTD: If you were forced to play one of the original games in this book, which would it be?

Anyways, this A/N is getting lengthy, so let's get to it!

Chishiya's POV

I hold an image in my hand, flipping and turning it deep in thought. I think I'm starting to understand a bit more about what this place could be.

The paper I found on the woman from Tag turned out to be a map of the train systems.

Kuina and I followed the map and ended up in what looks like a control room. Everyone that was here was killed.

"Chishiya!" Kuina calls out, poking her head through the doorway.

I'm sitting on a bed leaned forward and wondering exactly why there's an image of Karma here. It's a family portrait, but why would it be here?

"Let's go." I stand, placing the photo in my pocket with her letter.

Common sense and logic would say she's one of the dealers, like Asahi and Momoka. However, if she were one of the dealers, why would she let Vanya and Ronan die?

Either because her authority doesn't reach that extent or because it would out her.

I've seen enough here.

I walk past Kuina, who has no idea what I discovered, and we make our way towards the entrance.

"She's not here?" Kuina furrows her eyebrows, looking down at the ground.

"No," I look straight, nearly speed walking.

Kuina follows silently. She's deeply bothered by Karma's sudden absence.

I guess out of sight, out of mind is a useful tool here. While I do care deeply about Karma, I'm able to focus.

I just have to find her.

While I don't know for certain that she's a dealer, I do know that she's alive. I also found no sign that the game is over, nor have I found any steps to get home.

The people here are not game masters either.

I'm at a dead end.

The only thing left I can think of is the appearance of face cards.

Right as we enter the room with screens, I hear shuffling. Kuina and I halt, but proceed towards the sound in caution.

Arisu and Usagi.

Queen of Diamonds (x Chishiya)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang