Chapter 30 - Game of Hearts

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A/N: Well hello! We made it to 30 chapters guys!! I managed to get the chapter to you guys as you can see :)  suffered from a bad case of writer's block, but we made it!! I finally came up with an idea of where to take this game hehe.

Next two chapters are gonna have a lotttt. I went on a binge write so I could give you guys chapters the next two days ;)

Due to popularity, the official ship name is...

Kishiya <3

I love it.

QOTD: What's your favorite aesthetic? (Kind of random, but I need inspo hehe)

Anyways, enjoy!

Karma's POV

"Hello, your majesty."

He looks at me dead in the eye, but careful enough to still appear timid to bystanders. If he weren't a maniac, I'd even consider him a great actor.

I don't look, but I sense around that no one is listening in.

His eyes scream questions and I only have a small window of time to communicate with him. Our encounter is so tense, yet a spectator would think we're just strangers trying to form an alliance.

"My game was cleared. By me. I won't interfere with yours. Deal?" I half-whisper to him.

"One, two, three, four." He mouths to me, dare in his gaze.

He wants me to work with him.

I then sense a person approaching from behind me.

"So, do you want to join our team?" I say aloud.

He shakes his head, looking 'nervously' to the cynical leader behind me.

"Sorry..." he says, looking down and hiding his face behind his hair. His attention to detail is so good that his entire body language is closed and 'small'. Just like the person he's trying to portray.

He walks off alone and down some steps.

He knows I can't let him win, so why would I work with him? I can only give him my word that I won't interfere, that is until it's between me and him.

And Chishiya.

He dies, we live. I won't let us die for him. Even Ryu.

"So?" The girl smiles at me cheerfully. Her face is sweet, but her eyes are devious. She's very charismatic, too.

I shake my head, telling her that he rejected the group and she simply shrugs it off, skipping off to rejoin the group. We have about ten people in the group already, so it shouldn't be a problem for her. They've already started telling each other their suits.

Mine is apparently a heart.

I don't see Ryu, though, and I think she's making her rounds to get to know some of the people here. She could always use the excuse that she's trying to recruit.

Chishiya remains in his spot against the wall with his companion and he carefully observes the room, laying low.

So far I've seen a couple, a bully, and the girl. The big bully will likely get eliminated first. His approach of intimidation defeats the purpose of trust in this game.

No one will want to keep him around.

Chishiya, Ryu, and I all know for a fact that I'm not the Jack, and I know for a fact that neither of them are.

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