Chapter 7 - Ace

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A/N: I was having a bit of a writer's block lately but I was able to overcome it thankfully. I'm also trying to think of ways to promote this story, but I have no idea where to start. Please help lol.

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Karma's POV

I open my eyes to darkness and hot air blowing back into my face with each breath I take. Specks of light peek through something that covers my head and I look around to discover there's a bag over my head. It reeks of sweat, as if it's been used by many.

I guess I've been kidnapped, then. My hands aren't bound, but I feel weak and groggy. I feel around my legs and hips for my pack and gun and realize they're not there.

My crack cookies. They're gone. It was my last bag.

I was looking forward to those for breakfast. I click my tongue in disappointment.

"She's awake, boss."

The bag is pulled off of my head and my hair is frizzy, blending messy black and white strands together. The blood from the guy I head butted yesterday is still on my neck and chest.

My eyes are overwhelmed by the daylight that floods the room and it takes time for them to adjust.

Once my eyes adjust, I look around the room. In front of me are a smiling Mira and a poker faced Kuzuryu with his arms crossed. I see many strangers in the room as well, all in swimsuits.

I guess there's a dress code, too.

"Good morning!" Mira smiles cheekily.

"I apologize for the rude introduction," Kuzuryu says like a robot, as if he's said this a million times.

"Our scouts reported a talented player, you, approaching the area. You have quite the reputation. Under the radar, but you never fail to survive every game you play." He tilts his head.

"Despite probably having many days on your visa, you still play games almost every night. Why is that?" A woman with a bob intervenes. I know her from the first game as well. She teamed with Kuzuryu.

"I heard rumors that collecting a whole deck would allow me to go home. I want to do that as soon as possible..." I look around the room to see amused faces.

"My mother is ill, so I can't afford to lose too much time. I have to get back and take care of her," I lie.

"She could die any day. I have to be by her side."

I allow the memory of my mom to raise emotions in me and I tear up, making my voice crack.

Eyebrows raise around the room and I see a hint of a smirk from Kuzuryu. He doesn't smile often.

I feel the presence of someone directly behind me and see dark flowy hair in my peripheral vision, belonging to a man.


I then remember the events of last night and my heart races. I look at my lap to see there are no bruises, and no evidence that anyone was there.

I sigh in relief.

"That was touching... You know, we share the same mission." Hatter announces, inches from my ear.

"I'm impressed with the cards you've collected," he walks around my chair, gesturing to a wooden wall behind those who stand in front of me.

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