Chapter 39 - Responsibility

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A/N: Guys. GUYS! We made #1 in #aib I am HOLLERING thank you! Look at us goooo!!

Oh lawd.

I've been getting so excited about this story that the chapters have been getting longer lol. They've nearly doubled in average size. Screaming.

Anyways!!! Let's get on with it. Phase two is nearing an end and we'll be on to see what's in store for phase three. Reading phase three will entirely be a choice! You can choose to end the story with the end two, or you can keep reading for three :)

QOTD: Kishiya's theme song?

Karma's POV

"My turn," the Jack stands.

"You're fucked!" The Jack's friend maniacally shouts, giggling. He holds a chain with a knife attached to the end of it, dragging it across the wooden floor. A single scratch line trails the knife's path.

The Jack, who's clearly preparing for murder, harmlessly extends his arms, causing the players to flinch.

"All we have to do to clear the game is really eliminate you all before the time limit. If even one of you still stands by the end of this, you clear the game."

From what I've gathered so far, the Jack's name is Mave and his friend is Zed. Unless I misheard them. It's not like their real names will matter, since they'll be dead anyways.

Zed then yanks his chain, launching the knife attached to it into the player that I injured's neck. His groans are abruptly silenced and Zed pulls it out with a string of blood trailing the knife. The knife then falls to the floor, making a mess.

"I love your venue choice. Very artistic, seeing how much we're painting," Ryu calls out, bending her knees in an offensive stance.

"I thought so, too," Mave smiles at her and rotates one of his swords in an attempt to be intimidating and it works.

I hear the unknown woman on my team swallow loudly and the man takes a single step back. Their chests rise and fall in heavy breaths and I pity them for wasting their energy.

Ryu and Kuina are more than prepared. So am I. I barely moved at all, in fact.

With two of Mave's new recruits down, the battle is five versus four. We only have to survive two-or-so minutes now, but now I know the Jack will be going all out.

My first target is Zed. That chain of his allows him to attack from a distance, which is really advantageous for him and bad for us.

Suddenly, footsteps rumble and I hear metal clank. The strong woman on our team yelps and when I look at her, I see her thigh sliced open, blood pouring down her entire leg. The recruited man attacked her.

She still has some fight in her and she plays weak, causing him to let his guard down when he moves to finish her. That's when she lodges a blade into his head from his chin.

She's in no condition to keep fighting, though.

With all of Mave's new recruits down. One minute remains and Zed moves swiftly towards Ryu and Kuina, who stand back-to-back, ready to defend. The other guy on Mave's team approaches the injured woman and the man on our team rushes to her defense.

With those two fights going on, I'm left alone to deal with a bloodthirsty Mave. We stand on opposite ends of the oval hall and keep our eyes locked.

I only have to survive for two minutes. That's all.

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