Chapter 51 - HA!

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Here's the original A/N:

Heyy! I missed you guys. Even though I posted last week, I was barely ever active here. Nevertheless, I'm grateful for your support and for sticking around through my choppy times :)

Sorry I'm a bit late. I was running a fever the last couple of nights. Luckily it isn't covid though lol.

Anywhooo I'm back and better you guys! Not as sick anymore and I've had the time to plan/draft where I'm taking phase three as well as some things you guys requested >:) *wink wink

QOTD: What are your biggest strengths? (Self-confidence boost time)

Karma's POV

"What do you mean 'who's Mira'?" I ask him, a glimmer of hope rising in me. He just might be getting his memories back. My eyes widen in a hopeful demanding of an answer and his darken.

"They poisoned you?" He says, his voice sharp but calm at the same time. He randomly grabs my face by the chin with one hand and tilts my head up towards the light and turns it, looking into my eyes. I scrunch my nose and, well, my whole face at the sudden movement.

He then releases my chin and sighs, nodding slightly.

I huff. Dude, I said hallucinations, not poison.

"Answer my question, please."

"You first," he crosses his arms stubbornly.

"Simple hallucinogenic gas. I'll elaborate when you answer my question."

The corner of his lip barely curls up, but not in a smirk. More in a 'oh really?' kind-of manner.

"Fine. Follow me."

He doesn't allow me to simply just follow him, though. He snatches my wrist and drags me behind him. We're definitely not heading to my room, nor are we heading outside or the cafeteria. Huh.

He comes to a stop in front of a hospital room and opens the door for me, watching closely as I was in. It's his room.

There's a bed for Niragi, and a bed for him. On the counter is a bag of cookies and their trash is filled with empty ones. They also have an unfinished chess game on the floor. I didn't know Niragi could play chess. I'm pretty impressed, honestly.

He has me sit on a his bed and squats in front of me, a serious look taking over his face. His powerful eyes look up at me through concerned eyebrows.

"Don't take the medicine, Karma."

My eyes slightly widen. How does he know that? I don't even have to ask the question for him to know it's exactly what I'm thinking.

"A woman, Ann, approached me today. We were alone talking. Don't worry, it wasn't like that."

I resist chuckling at his attempt to reassure me, but have to remind myself that he doesn't remember anything. I would never be worried of Ann, and I'm not the type to really be insecure either anyways.

"Oh?" I say, just to mess with him. I raise an eyebrow. I wonder how he would react if I were actually jealous.

He raises an eyebrow right back at me.

"Woman. If I chose you before, I have no reason to seek elsewhere. It would be illogical and a betrayal to myself and you."

"Good," I smirk, dropping the act.

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