Chapter 6 - This Wasn't the Plan

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A/N: So I don't really have anything to say this time, but I felt the need to do so since I've been doing it every chapter anyways. How's life? Hope all is well for you guys.

Can anyone recommend a good chocolate? I'm addicted and my favorite chocolate is starting to taste boring cause I over ate it :/

Karma's POV

I twiddle a dagger between my fingers, sitting in the house that used to be my family's home. According to the way it looks, a new family now occupies it. The rustic green has been replaced with a modern white interior.

I told myself I wouldn't visit this place, but I think closure is the best medicine to move on in my case. I didn't cry this time, so I'm making good progress. The world has clearly moved on from my existence as well.

I just want to be okay.

I've been through enough, and I won't let anything falter my new mindset.

I'm fine. Really.

I carve lines into the coffee table with my dagger.

I'm conflicted between warning the people at headquarters and just looking out for myself. I know there are more places for citizens to reside, but headquarters is the main spot for us.

I doubt that the clever guy from last night will figure it out so soon, but I'm not sure if I want to risk my neck to warn them of his discovery.

They probably already know given they have eyes and ears on every corner of the city. I wouldn't be surprised if they've already evacuated to another base.

I think I'm going to skip the games tonight and make my way towards The Beach to prepare for my kidnapping. I already have a few cards in my possession because I plan on becoming an asset to them.

I'd rather position myself well rather than be seen as a bad actress. I learned that the hard way when I got called out.

This batch of players seems to operate differently, meaning I must adjust and adapt.

My cards include the nine of diamonds, six of clubs, seven of spades, three of spades, ace of spades, and the five of diamonds. I hate hearts games, so I've been avoiding them.

After the first week, it grew difficult to get to the cards first, especially since there were a growing amount of people collecting them.

I stand up from the couch that isn't mine, inserting my dagger into my ankle holster, and see that it's golden hour. After securing all my items, I step outside of the house to see a sun-kissed upperclass neighborhood with uncut grass and evidence of looting.

I guess this is goodbye, home.

Here is my home now.

I got lucky and found the keys to the new family's car earlier, so I make my way towards The Beach, which will now only take me around 20 minutes. The sunset is a beautiful red, orange, and purple blend.

On the way there, I don't see any players. I'm willing to bet that they think I'm a beach member scouting for new members.

Little do they know that I'm the one trying to get scouted.

I plan on using this car to draw attention to myself after a game night exactly one week from now. For now, I drive with no headlights on and travel the back routes in order to stay hidden in the dark of the night.

Queen of Diamonds (x Chishiya)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя