Chapter 37 - You You

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A/N: Since peace doesn't exist in this world, the nice moments are over and it's time for them to face reality. They can really never catch a break, but it's okay because drama and the story is already super long. I need to get on with this because I can't wait to show you guys what I have in store for phase 3. I also can't wait for you guys to see what happens when she faces Mira.

QOTD: Childhood fictional crush? Mine was Carl from TWD and I also liked Draco Malfoy help-

Karma's POV

I jerk awake to the sound of gunshots and screaming and sunlight violates my eyes. Chishiya's hand clasps tightly to my mouth, preventing me from screaming.

His eyes are both focused and fearful as he looks around for a safe way out of the van. Bullet holes leak light into the van and we are both miraculously uninjured.

Just kidding. I have another graze on my arm.

Chishiya sees it and I can almost visibly see him taking a mental note of my injury.

Bullets really love grazing me, huh?

The gunshots suddenly stop and we hear footsteps pass the van, crunching the leaves beneath each step.

With a few clicks, indicating reloading, the booming gunshots sound again.

"Shh" Chishiya brings a finger to his lips.

I peek outside and see the back of Shirabi's head as he makes his way through what used to be a safe haven. Most of the people here left their van doors open last night, and dead bodies lie in those vans. More bodies decorate the road and blood puddles near some of them.


In a panic, I jolt up. I would burst out of the van if it didn't mean I'd likely die.

"Ryu," I mouth to an alert Chishiya. He looks to me, holding his hand up, and I already know what he's thinking. We can't leave yet.

I peek outside once again and see that the blimp is heading away from us, the gunshots are starting to sound distant, too. He's probably pursuing someone.

I exchange a look with Chishiya and he nods. We open the doors of the van and step out, avoiding stepping on any vegetation or anything that would make noise.

Many people died here. Many people. Chishiya's random decision to close the door last night really saved our lives.

I first rush to Judas' van and there are bullet holes in it as well. When I swing the doors of it open, they're not in there. Blood stains the sheets, though.

Fucking hell, Ryu, you better be alive.

I look around at all bodies in sight and I don't recognize any of them. I then hear rustling from under the van and a hand grabs my ankle.

"Hey you crazy bitch," Ryu groans from under the van. I squat down to pull her out by her arms and she winces, groaning in pain.

She's been shot. Right in the left arm. She's not bleeding too much, so she should be fine.

"Chishiya?" I call out to him as if he's not standing right behind me. He immediately comes to my side and looks down at Ryu.

He then examines her arm and shrugs, tearing a piece of his shirt to wrap around it.

"That's the best I can do for now. We can try to clean it later."

She nods and thanks him, standing up to face me. Luckily, she can still move her fingers and hand normally. The bullet went clean through, but I'm praying it didn't graze or break a bone. It's better than being shot in the torso, regardless.

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