Chapter 33 - Swear

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A/N: Sooooo I'm sorry I didn't upload earlier. I had a flight and have been running off of like 2 hours of sleep. Had to put myself first this time. :)

But like... the plane was JERKING like not the pilot feeling silly I couldn't even sleep. And I paid for Wi-Fi and it didn't even work- I'm screaming. I was gonna update on the plane but as we can see that didn't happen.

To make up for it, I'll upload another chapter tonight ;) double upload day <3


Karma's kind of under the radar for now, but she can only keep this up for so long. Considering she doesn't know most of the other face-card games, there's no saying she's really safe. Just a thought :)

QOTD: What's your dream career? I'm studying for law ;) but my dream would really be a writer or an actress.

Karma's POV

"Club" I say, keeping my voice down.

He told me that he needs me to play dead, so I can't let anyone hear me give the right answer. I grin to myself for absolutely no reason and internally look forward to my hug.

He said he'll give me a hug later.

Shortly after, I hear a few explosions. Or one. Or two. I really can't tell. I'm so out of focus.

I hope it isn't Ryu.

Oh my god. Did I kill her?

Did our drinking break cloud her mind, causing her to forget her symbol?

My breathing grows heavy and I feel painfully guilty. The thought that one of those explosions could have been Ryu makes me want to vomit.

Oh no. Not Ryu.

I stifle a sob and suddenly tears run freely down my cheeks, dripping on the cold floor. I feel like I'm suffocating and I suddenly start growing claustrophobic. My clothes are too tight.

Not really, but they're bothering me.

I take off my shoes and move to take my shirt off when the door clicks. My shirt already exposes my stomach and I hear a creak followed by a click, closing the door.

Since my arms are above me with a shirt still wrapped around me, covering my vision, I don't even know who's here.

Being naturally confrontational, I speak up. The alcohol brings this part of me out even more.

"Who?!" I finish taking off my shirt and throw it at the floor. I don't care.

I look up. It's Chishiya.

He came for my hug!

"Karma, why? Seriously? Put your clothes back on." He picks up my shirt and places my shoes facing the wall.

I'm not mentally present enough to really process this.

I want to kiss him.

My inner lawyer takes over.

Could that be assault?

I'm so exhausted and my mind is running at a million miles per hour. I am never drinking again.

Unless it's with Ryu. I really consider her close now. Even if she's still cautious with.

I wish Kuina were here for this game.

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