Chapter 38 - Blackout

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A/N: I MADE IT HOME! WE ARE BACK GUYS. I was fighting for my life for time and signal to upload lol. Apologies, but don't worry we are back to normal now :)

Here's an extra long chapter for you guys. It's so long it might as well be a double update sooo ;)

Screaming and vomiting in a good way because all of your guys' comments crack me up and I love it loll.

Anyways, we're going to be seeing some of our faves today, and it's going to be great.

See, I was going to ask for your current celebrity crush as the QOTD but I think we all are crushing on Nijiro right now sooo-

QOTD: If you were to write the final line for Karma and Chishiya's story, what would it say? (I want to be in tears reading these)

Karma's POV

Unlike yesterday morning, I'm violently shaken awake. When I open my eyes, I'm faced with a stranger, causing me to jolt up. When I look to where Chishiya was laying, he's not there and I whip my head around in and anxious search for him.

"Relax, he's with the others eating. He told me to give you this," they hand me a bag of cookies and offer their hand to help me stand. Soft sunlight beams through the trees and the air is fresh.

Who in the hell?

"Your boyfriend is really cute by the way," she says, smirking.

She's literally a child.

"He's not-"

"You were spooning, yes he is," she interrupts and slings a bow over her shoulder, smirking.

There's no point in arguing. I know the truth.

"I'm Heiya," she starts towards where I'm assuming the group is and that's when I notice her prosthetic leg. Tough kid. Of course, I follow her and when I see the rest of the group, I'm met with an interesting surprise.

"Aguni," I say, crossing my arms and lifting my chin to assert my presence. Chishiya, who's sitting in a weird squat-like position looks up at me and smacks on a cookie. I hope Aguni's minion isn't here with him. I'm not in the mood for that right now.

I wonder what ever happened to Niragi anyways.

Aguni looks up, seated with his back against the tree and he has two black bags at his side, which I can only assume are for weapons and supplies. He shows no emotion and he looks so tired. I notice new scars on him. He was shot and has probably been through hell.

It's so interesting that his injuries healed so fast, because a scar wouldn't get to that stage for a while. I'm still not over how time works here.

"So you're alive," Chishiya crumbles his empty bag of cookies. There's only one bag left. He better be fair and give it to me.

Judas and Kodai are obviously distrustful of the newcomers, and with one of them being Aguni, so am I. I can only assume that Heiya is an ally of his, so she's automatically on my no-trust list as well. I learned long ago to be wary when I need to be.

"Yes. And we are going to lure and kill the King of Spades."

Ryu buts in, stopping her fork halfway to her mouth and placing her can of soup on the ground with it.

"Who's we?"

"Look around," Heiya squats down, bringing herself to a knee. The leaves beneath her feet crunch loudly and I can't help but be fascinated by how her prosthetic works.

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