Chapter 26 - Four Minutes

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A/N: The time has come for Chishiya to play our game >:) I hope you all enjoy.

Regarding the phase three concerns, don't worry! I already have an entire plot planned and idea of how the characters are going to develop. I just wanted to know if you guys were up for that kind of story adaptation. Trust the process <3

QOTD: What do you think Karma's grand plan is?

Chishiya's POV

"Let's begin!"

The Queen of Diamonds then disappears from the screen and the screen turns white with eight red boxes on it.

I'm assuming those are the eight zones.

We then hear a click from each set of double doors unlocking them and granting us access to the rest of the hospital.

Eight zones, eight puzzles. I'm really good at puzzles, but the queen could shock me and I'd only have two lives. Do I solve the puzzles or do I trap the queen?

Ann speaks up before anyone can move.

"We should split up. She's only one person. If she pursues someone who distracts and baits her, the rest of us can claim zones."

That's a good idea, but I doubt that three teenagers are willing to be alone.

Arisu, who took the permanent marker, looks like he's in physical pain trying to strategize.

"I'm really good at puzzle games, so I can start with the first floor. As for the kids, how about you guys try and claim zones? It'll be scary to be alone, but if we work together we can clear the game faster. Ryu, since you have the laser pointer, maybe you can try and bait her?"

Ryu nods, tying her short hair into a low ponytail. I can tell she already planned to do so.

Arisu takes a breath. He's anxious, but hopeful.

"Given she's baiting the Queen, we'll need people who can set and strategize the traps and we'll need to communicate. We can also use the communications earpieces to fool her and bluff."

I observe, thinking of ways to outsmart the Queen of Diamonds.

The rules never said we couldn't trap inside the zones. The rules also never said anything against physical contact.

This means the Queen is avoiding us just as much as we're avoiding her. She's outnumbered, meaning we can technically drag her into traps if we wanted to.

I bet she knows that. I smirk.

This is going to be fun.

I look down at the key in my hands and I know exactly what this key is for. It's for a staff locker.

I bet she didn't know she'd be faced with an actual employee of this place. I already have an advantage.

Kuina, who's the medic, will more than likely be steering clear of all the zones.

I think I should pitch an idea, I have a plan.

"How about Arisu and the three kids claim zones, and the rest of us search for traps. I don't doubt that the Queen has already begun setting her traps. As for me," I hold up the key, "I'm going to go get my surprise!"

I then smile and toss the key in the air, catching it.

Apparently this key can save us all.

I lock eyes with Arisu.

Queen of Diamonds (x Chishiya)Where stories live. Discover now