Chapter 11 - Envy

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A/N: Holy smokes guys we made it to 1k reads. Thank you so much, and I'm so happy you're enjoying the story.

Karma and Chishiya are going to get to bond a bit more today, but both of them have thick walls around their hearts. Each for different reasons.

I'd like to ask a quick question to you all: Which is the thing in this story you'd like to see improved the most?
1 - Pacing
2 - Imagery
3 - Character details (movement/thoughts)
4 - Plot

Please excuse typos, I'll edit tomorrow I promise lol.

Chishiya's POV

This woman is impossible to treat.

I lift her leg so I can secure the bandage around it and she jerks, giggling.

There's nothing funny about this. She nearly caused herself to bleed again when I just cleaned it. I'm not going to waste another gauze to do it again.

"Stop moving."

She stops breathing.

That's not what I meant.

I'm learning a lot about this Karma. I didn't know someone like her would have such a history.

We're less alike than I assumed and she's more unpredictable than I anticipated.

I finish wrapping her leg and she exhales, heavily.

No one asked you to hold your breath.

I put my medical supplies back into my pockets and sit back in the chair she gave me.

"I recommend you don't play any games tomorrow. You need to let that wound close."

She nods complacently.

"Thanks, doc."

"Also... about me being a doctor. Do me a favor and keep that to yourself." I don't want these people to know because I'll end up becoming The Beach's medic.

With such limited supplies, I'll be as useless as a school nurse.

"Why did you tell me if you don't want anyone to know?"

Because I need you to trust me enough to extract information out of you.

A secret for a secret.

"Because you asked."

My turn.

"Can I ask you a question?"

Im going to ask it regardless of her answer. She clearly wonders why I'm still here.


Based on what I gathered from her, she seemed to be sensible, strong, and pretty intelligent.

Turns out she was once a slave to her heart as well.

I wonder what that was like.

"You have an emotional history. What made you decide to detach from that?"

The reason I'm asking this question is out of genuine curiosity. I always thought that human emotion was a weakness, and frankly stupid, which didn't effect my general morale, but it did challenge my logic.

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