Chapter 32 - Freeze!

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A/N: Before anything, I'm living for this photo because it shows how messy Ryu's hair is lol.

It's been quite a bit since the last Chishiya POV hasn't it? What's he thinking about this whole thing? Well it's time to find out ;) This chapter will be a bit more lighthearted. I wanted some happiness lol we've been through a lot of trauma here.


I'm going to have a panic attack but like in a good way. We're at 20k FREAKING READERS. Please- I'm in tears. Like literally I can't sleep over this thank you guys so much.

QOTD: Fav Starbucks order? I go there like every morning so I need new ideas because I've been ordering the same thing for the past three years help I'm begging you.

Chishiya's POV

"Spade," I stare at the door.

A single explosion echoes through the halls. Either the first liar answered with the fake team's provided suit, or an unknown person got betrayed. It's more than likely the poor guy.

I just kissed Karma.

I swallow, internally denying the fact that I wish our time wasn't limited in that moment. I don't know how to proceed with myself and face her from here.

Well, it's gonna happen so I guess I have to figure it out.

My problem here is I'm not equipped to handle things like this. I'm good with using and playing people objectively, but not with delicacy and emotion. I never really considered the feelings of others before Karma.

Maybe I did at one point, but I'm so out of touch with that part of me. I don't want to hurt her, but I really don't know the best way to strategize our affiliations.

How does this work?

I can't tell if I crave or hate this feeling. If I were to be honest with myself, she's starting to feel like the piece that I was missing. I've always noticed that everyone around me seemed to have something that I lacked.

Maybe Karma brought about the piece I was missing. The piece I was so envious of.

She's so annoying and I can't stand the hold she has on me. My heart contradicts my mind, though, because I love the hold I have on her.

The door clicks and I steady my breathing, preparing myself to walk out there and face her.

I've never had to mentally prepare myself for anything before this.

With an exhale, I reset my mind and allow myself to succumb to my logical self.

My face is relaxed and my body language remains unfazed as I step out of the cell. I need to recollect myself and focus. She's so distracting that it's starting to be impossible to do so.

She's driving me mad.

My logic has become illogical and nothing makes sense anymore. The only logical part that remains is that I was right. Feelings are stupid. They don't make any sense.

That girl will be the death of me.

I look to my left and see her door still closed. Across the hall, Ryu looks just as surprised as I am.

A wave of panic floods my entire body and I hold my gaze on her door. I look around to see if anyone else is looking. There's no way someone fooled her into giving the wrong answer.

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