Chapter 14 - Eyes on Me

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A/N: I'm so thrilled that so many of you are enjoying this story! I'm going to try my best to upload daily, but I'll make sure to note when I'm too busy to do so.

Also, as we all understand, their circumstances are truly tragic. Karma is a citizen and Chishiya is a player, meaning one would have to die for the other to survive by the end of the whole Borderlands game. I wonder how they'll manage to be endgame, or if it's even possible. (AHAHAH. Not me writing this knowing I'm the one coming up with the story. Anyways.)

I may be a bit busy this week, but I can promise that you can look forward to at least two updates every weekend. Thank you for your support <3

This is the longest chapter yet!

Karma's POV

"Ryu," I shoot her a quick glance.

She nods. I trust that she understands her assignment, which is the most crucial of us all being the girl's partner.

Given she ends up dead with our target, our really target is the cards. We can gather them after the game.

It would just suck to lose such a talented player and a friend.


Can I really call her a friend if I'm going to try to kill her?

I look to Chishiya, who's calm but focused, and my mouth has dried up.

Pressure builds in my throat, my chest aches with each heartbeat, and my neck gets hot.

I'm so scared I can barely breathe.

Images of my family flash in my mind and the game I had with them wasn't even this difficulty.

I start to gasp for air and my vision is dotted.

"The game will begin in 10 seconds. Ten... nine... eight..."

"Karma. Eyes on me."  Chishiya's finger taps my fist on the table, causing me to relax my hand.

"Five... four..." I shut my eyes tightly and open them to meet Chishiya's eyes.

Focus, Karma.

"Two... one. When each minute has passed, you will hear hear this sound." A cheerful chime plays.

Fear is written all over my face. I can stand up and leave if I want, but not only would I be exposed, but Chishiya would die.

"Breathe." He raises his eyebrows, but his eyes are reassuring.

I focus on my breathing, taking deep, slow breaths until I'm stable.

"Good, now just fifteen minutes of this and we're clear." He leans back in his chair and keeps his eyes locked with mine.

We then hear the first chime, indicating a minute passed.

It can't be this simple.

He gives me a soft nod and smile. His eyes are the only thing that are keeping me okay right now.

"Baby!" I hear from behind me. It's a woman. She sounds familiar.

I can't look. I huff and keep my eyes on Chishiya.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Chishiya responds, he's so calm.

"I missed you so much my love. Come give me a hug." I hear her speak again, love drips from her voice.

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